Personal Health Timeline

  • 20's

    20's: Height, weight, blood pressure screening, eye and hearing check, vaccines, STI testing, dental every 6-12 months, dermatologist.
    Females: monthly breast exam, gynocologist, pap-smear.
    Males: testicular exam.
    Health Tips: excersise to decrease risk of heart disease and diabetes, sleep, proper nutrition, no smoking, moderate drinking, sunscreen, understand family health history
  • Period: to


  • 30's

    30's: Height, weight, healthy diet and excersise 30-60 min daily, sleep well. Prevention: no smoking, sunscreen, moderate drinking, no drugs, decrease stress, cholesterol management. Concerns: sex and reproductive health, STI/HIV checks, mental and emotional health Routine: dental checks 6-12 months, eye and hearing checks, cholesterol screening, skin cancer checks, vaccines. Females: gynocologist when recommended, pap-smear, breast exams. Males: testicular exam
  • 40's

    40's: physical exams every 2/3 years, teeth 6-12 months, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes risk, baseline EKG and skin cancer baseline. Concerns: chronic pain, stress levels, 30 min exercise, blood glucose, BMI, resting heart rate, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression. Men: low testosterone, occassional impotence, erectile disfunction, enlarged prostate, testicular exam. Women: perimenopause (hot flashes..), annual breast exam, mammogram, pap smear, bone density.
  • 50's

    50's: increase of chronic pain, eat healthy and excersise mind and body, 30-60 min excersise daily, healthy weight, decrease stress, sleep well, moderate alcohol. Concerns: anxiety, depression, cancer, bad eyes and hearing, heart disease, high blood pressure, high choloesterol, meonpause, osteoporosis, over active bladder, etc. Routine: physical (every 2 years), dental, baseline blood pressure, EKG, skin exam. Men: prostate and testicular exam. Women: annual breast exam, pap smear, bone density.
  • 60's

    60's: decrease physical and mental health, financial issues, aging increases risks of heart attack and stroke, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, cancers. Prevent: know warning signs for heart attack, quit smoking, healthy weight, exercise regularly, protect heart. Routine: annual flu vaccine, blood pressure, bone density, dental exam, tetanus shot and thyroid exam. Women: breast exam and mammogram, colonoscopy (every 10 yrs starting at 50), pap and pelvic exam. Men: colonoscopy.