Iwo jima

Period Six Timeline

  • Period: to

    Period 6

  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    This was when the Archduke of many countries like Austria-Hungary and he was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. This event was the thing that triggered Wordl War I. there were many events that led up to this, but this was the breaking point and triggered WWI.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    This was when many Allied forces like New Zealand, Australia, France, Britain, and Ireland and India fought the Ottoman Empire. They fought fiercely and they finally defeated the Ottoman Empire. This led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Japan Makes Twenty-One Demands on China

    Japan Makes Twenty-One Demands on China
    This was when Japan wanted China to cease the selling of their land to foreign powers and to have China render under Japanese control. Japan kept revising and making changes to it to make it more appealing to China. When China saw that they couldn't win a war against Japna, they finally agreed to it.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    This was a revolution in Russia. It was a communist movement and resulted in Russia's government becoming a communist state. This also resulted in Joseph Stalin becoming the leader and the forming of the Sovit Union.
  • Civil War in Russia

    Civil War in Russia
    It was a war between the Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army from South Russia. The White Army was defeated by the the Red Army. This led to the collapse of the Russian Empire. The rest of the unified Russian Empire became the famous Soviet Union.
  • German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    This was when German U-boats sunk and attacked ships that were aiding the Allies. This also causes the U.S. to favor the Allies more and this made them ship even more supplies to the Allies.
  • Lenin's New Economic Policy

    Lenin's New Economic Policy
    This was when the Communist party just took charge of Russia, and the Soviet Union's economy was very bad. This new plan made by Lenin attempted to help make the economy stronger and more powerful. The plan taxed farmers, could be paid in crops, and the state controled banks and foreign trade.
  • Treaty of Bredt-Livoek

    Treaty of Bredt-Livoek
    This was a treaty signed between the Bolsheviks and the Russian Governments. This began the SOviet UUnion. It also caused communism to spread.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    This was the meeting of the Allies victors of WWI. They met to form the treaty for the Axis powers that were defeated. This started the Treaty of Versailles.
  • May Fourth Movement in China

    May Fourth Movement in China
    This was an anti imperialist movement in China. This caused China to kick out the intellectual elites in charge and this was because of the Treaty of Versailles for Japanese taking their land. This caused a shift in mobilizing a more unified country.
  • First Meeting of League of nations

    First Meeting of League of nations
    It was developed right after WWI but not many countries joined it. This later formed into the United Nations. They consisted mainly of European countries, but the United States was in it and it was held first in Paris. It tried to maintain world peace.
  • Mussolini Launches Fascist Movement in Italy

    Mussolini Launches Fascist Movement in Italy
    This was when he was elected to be leader of Italy and became corrupt to make him become the only leader and form a dictatorship. Then he became friends with Hitler and Allied together. This also contributed to the beginning of WWII and the Axis Powers.
  • Soviet Union Five-Year Plan

    Soviet Union Five-Year Plan
    This was a plan ro form an economy for the Soviet Union. It was set up by Joseph Stalin. This helped make the Soviet Union to become powerful and a large power.
  • US Stock Market Crash

    US Stock Market Crash
    This was the Great Depression and it effected everyone. This caused the economies everywhere to collapse. It caused a global depression.
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
    This was a major takeover and they set up a puppet state there. This was used to set up a military base in the more Pacific region. It also lead to the British Empire to shrink a little.
  • Hitler is Ruler in Germany

    Hitler is Ruler in Germany
    Hitler came into power, and the first thing he did was that he tried to appeal to the people by bringing Germany out of their terrible depression. This cause people to side with him and his people known as the Nazis. His main intentions were that he wanted to from an empire to control all of the world.
  • Long March by Chinese Communists

    Long March by Chinese Communists
    This was an retreat made by the Chinese Communist party to fall back from the nationalists. They marched to the South and West to fall back to their allies. They had to walk over 6,000 miled over rugged terrain and huge mountains.
  • Sadino is Murdered in Nicaragua

    Sadino is Murdered in Nicaragua
    He was a rebel leader against the U.S. military in Nicaragua. His major attacks against the U.S. made him a hero throughout Latin America.He was killed by National Guard forces of the president of Nicaragua.
  • Cardenas nationalises oil industry in Mexico

    Cardenas nationalises oil industry in Mexico
    He was the president of Mexico and he signed an act that made it so no other oil companies can drill in Mexico. This resulted inn one oil company having a monopoly over Mexico. This also resulted in Mexico dominatiing the oil industry in that region.
  • German Anschluss with Austria

    German Anschluss with Austria
    This was forming of a union with Germany and Austria. The Austrians were waiting for this and this helped caused the Axis powers to become even greater and stronger. This also cause Germany to expand their empire cuaing even more thirst for more land.
  • Invasion of Poland by Germany

    Invasion of Poland by Germany
    Invasion of Poland was the first attack that was violent by Germany. This marked the beginning og WWII. This also caused Germany to go onto the offensive.
  • German Invasion of USSR

    German Invasion of USSR
    This was when Germany broke a peace treaty with the USSR. This caused the Soviet Union to side with the Allies and start fighting the Axis Powers. This giant turn also contributed to the downfall of the Axis Powers, especially Germany.
  • Invasion of China by Japan

    Invasion of China by Japan
    This was when Japan finally started to attack to try and expand their empire. They attacked China since there was a lot of land and a good place fore agriculture. However, the Japanese ovly captur a little bit of land and it was a stalemate.
  • Soviet Victory over Stalingrad

    Soviet Victory over Stalingrad
    This victory resulted in the major offensive by Germans to stop. This changed the tides of war. This also resulted in Russia to be on the fofensive now.
  • D-Day, Allied Invasion of Normandy

    D-Day, Allied Invasion of Normandy
    This was when Allied forces invaded France that was controlled by the Nazis. This was when the Allied Powers started to crush and stop the movement of the Nazi forces of expansion. The Allies won the invasion with the result of a large number of soldiers that died.
  • Caption of Berlin by Soviet forces

    Caption of Berlin by Soviet forces
    This was when Soviet forces attacked and tried to take over all of the land controlled by the Nazis. This resulted in them capturing Berlin. The outcome was that it was the singing of Germany to surrender and end WWII in Europe.
  • Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    This was when America dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese soil during WWII. This was payback for when Japan bombed and attacked Pearl Harbor without any notice. This resulted in the ending of WWII for Japan, and this also ended WWII entirely since Germany already surrendered.
  • Division of Berlin and Germany

    Division of Berlin and Germany
    This was when the collapse of the Nazi Power collapsed and the Allied forces split up Germany. Mainly Berlin was split up with the French, British, and Americans having control of Western Berlin and Soviet Union got Eastern Berlin. This led to the Berlin Wall and helped start conflict between Russia and U.S.
  • Establisment of United Nations

    Establisment of United Nations
    This was when countries all ofver the world became an organization to promote peace and help eachother. This came after WWII to try and help prevent more deadly wars and aid the smaller countries in need of help.
  • Partition in India

    Partition in India
    This was when the people in India attempted to partition the British India. This partition worked and it freed India. It also formed Pakistan.
  • Apartheid in South Africa

    Apartheid in South Africa
    This was a set of laws and other codes that made it so there was no racial mixing. This meant that whites couldn't marry blacks or another race. This led to the whites becoming richer while the other races became poorer.
  • Arab-Israeli War

    Arab-Israeli War
    It was a war between Israel and the coalition forces of Arab states. Both of the forces were upset with the British, but they fought eachother because the UN tried to split Palestine into two countries to split the people, but that caused the war to begin. It caused a mass movement of Palestinians and Jews.
  • Establishment of NATO

    Establishment of NATO
    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This was an agreement between 12 Western nations: the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal for where they formed a military power. This led to the U.S. to become a moajor power in Europe.
  • Establishment of People's Republic of China

    Establishment of People's Republic of China
    They made the capitol at Bejing. This was when China became a communist country under the leader of Mao Zedong. This caused CHina to side with Russia.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This was a war fought between the communist North Korea and their communist supporters against the democratic South Koreas and their allies. The main people supporting North Korea was China and Russia, and South Korea was supported by America and Britain. The war was very costly and the war ended the same way it began, at the 38th Parallel.
  • Algerian war of liberation

    Algerian war of liberation
    This was when Algeria was trying to gain their independence from France. This attempt started in 1954 and was a very violent war. This revolution helped cause the collapse of the French Fourth Republic.
  • French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu

    French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
    This was a battle between the French and the North Vietcong. The French lost and this caused the French to lose their influence in Indochina. It also caused the French to start a decline in their empire.
  • Establishment of Warsaw Pact

    Establishment of Warsaw Pact
    This was a pact made by the Communist Powers to help eachother. This was to show power and try and oppose the U.S. from influencing Europe. This also led into the Cold War too.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    This was when British and Egyptian forces went at war. Britain attempted to gain control of the SUez Canal but they were defeated. This also caused Egypt to become free of British rule.
  • Uprising in Hungary

    Uprising in Hungary
    This was an uprising against the Communist peple. This was when civilians attempted to defend from the SOviet Union. It resulted in shaking the Soviet Union.
  • Great Leap Forward in China

    Great Leap Forward in China
    This was when China attempted to change and make Chine become more modernized. They built infrastructure and had many programs to help better their country and economy. Many of the Soviet Union people headed these projects.
  • Castro comes to power in Cuba

    Castro comes to power in Cuba
    This was when Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban government and took power. This led to America not liking him when he decided not to hold free elections. This also led to Cuba siding with Russia in the Cold War and led to the Cuabn Missile Crisis. Also an embargo on Cuba.
  • US Troops in Vietnam

    US Troops in Vietnam
    This was when U.S> Sent soldiers into Vietnam to stop communism. They were defeated and had to pull out. This caused COmmunism to become more powerful.
  • Sino-Soviet Rift

    Sino-Soviet Rift
    This was when the relations between Chinese communism and Soviet Union split. This was because CHina was more capitalists. This also caused communism to weaken.
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    The construction of the Berlin Wall was located in Germany. This was because Russia did not want any of the influences from America or France to get into Germany and have democracy rule Germany. Russia wanted their territory to be entirely communist.
  • Creation of PLO

    Creation of PLO
    PLO stands for Palestine Liberation Organization and it was made by the people of Palestine. This was the founding of Palestine as an independent country. This also gave Israel the right to live in peace.
  • Revolution in Iran

    Revolution in Iran
    This was when the people of Iran overthrew their leader. This was supported by the United States.This made Iran to become more democratic under their new ruler.
  • Iran-Iaq War

    Iran-Iaq War
    It was known as the First Persian Gulf War. This started when Iraq invaded Iran via air and then by ground forces. This started the war and caused a lot of violence and still conflict today.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    It was created for the Jewish homeland and for the location of the Hebrew language. The Jews were minorities in almost every part of the world, and the creation of Israel allowed the Jews to become the dominant ethnic group in the country. It also allowed the Jews to have a homeland where they can go and live more peacefully,
  • Soviet Withdrawal from Afghan

    Soviet Withdrawal from Afghan
    This was when Soviet forces withdrew from Afghan when they tried to keep communism there. This made Afghan to not become Soviet Union territory. This also made the soviet union to become weaker.
  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    This was when the Democratic Germany and Communist Germany united. It united after the communism was out=collapse of SPviet Union. Germany became a democracy.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    This was a war against the United States and the Iraq's Defense forces. The U.S. invaded Iraq to try and kick out Sadam Hussain and end the corrupt and dqindling nation. The attack was called Operation Desert Storm.
  • Collapse of USSR

    Collapse of USSR
    The collapse of the USSR was because of political tensions inside the country and when the Soviet military attempted to take over the government by a coup. This led to the government to become a democracy and have a Common Wealth. They also elected a president.
  • Transfer of British Hong Kong to CHina

    Transfer of British Hong Kong to CHina
    This was when Britain decided to give Hong Kong back to CHina and make it a unified country. This resulted in CHina becoming unified and an economic power. It also resulted in the British EMpire to shrink.
  • Ataturk Proclaims Republic of Turkey

    Ataturk Proclaims  Republic of Turkey
    This was when the Turks bcame a republic country. This occurred after the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI. They decided that the old Ottoman Empire territory would become the Turk Republic.