Supernova by overlordq

Period 2 Gerace Zug History Of The World

  • 5 Billion Years Ago...

    5 Billion Years Ago...
    Swirling mass of gas. Materials were pulled together by the gravity and formed the sun. Planets formed after a series of collisions.
  • 4.6 Billion Years Ago...

    4.6 Billion Years Ago...
    Earth grew larger as gravity pulled in more debris.
  • 4 Billion Years Ago...

    4 Billion Years Ago...
    Collisions between Earth and Space debris, also released thermal energy. Almost all cells were heterophs.
  • 3.5 Billion Years Ago...

    3.5 Billion Years Ago...
    Fossils of stromatolites are formed.
  • 3 Billion Years Ago...

    3 Billion Years Ago...
    Photosynthesis and respiration occured. Forms of life became photosynthesis.
  • 2.2 Billion Years Ago...

    2.2 Billion Years Ago...
    Earth appeared as much as it does today.
  • 2 Billion Year Ago...

    2 Billion Year Ago...
    Oxygen levels reached today's levels
  • 2 Billion Years Ago - 1.5 Billion Years Ago...

    2 Billion Years Ago - 1.5 Billion Years Ago...
    Small aerobic prokaryotic was engulfed and began to live and reproduce inside of a larger anerobic prokaryotic called endosymbiosis.
  • 1 Billion Years Ago...

    1 Billion Years Ago...
    Ozone formed - protected organisms from harmful UV rays so they could exist on land.
  • 1600-1700

    Redi (1627-1697) Redi conducted an experiment in 1668 to test a hypothoseis. That if meat was kept away from flies, that maggots did not grow in/on meat. Microscope: Revealed that the world had a bunch of tiny organisims living around us.
  • 1700-1800

    Spallanzani's Experiement: Designed an experiement to test the hypothesis of spontaneous generation of micro-organisims. Although he had solid data, his experiement was ahead of his time.
  • 1800-1900

    Pasteur's Experiement: To test his experiment he uses broth. He proved that contamenation was due to microrganisims in air soiling the broth, not the "divine power."
  • 1900-Present

    Radioactive Dating: The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus. Oparin's Hypothesis: Specific gases might have formed simple organic compounds. Urey & Miller: Produced a lot of organic compunds. Cech: Found thata type of RNA found in some unicellular eukaryotes is able to act as a catalyst, similar to enzymes, this is known as endosymbosis. Lynn Margulis: Proposed that a prokaryotic cells may have devoleped a mutually benefecial relationship.