Percy jackson

Percy Jackson Timeline

  • He was born in 1993

  • He had started his search

    Percy had started the search for his mother and the lightning of Zeus
  • He had killed Medusa

    He had killed Medusa
    In a battle, he had killed medusa to save his friends and himself
  • He had went to the Underwold

    Percy had went to the Underworld to try to save his mother and the lightning from Zeus
  • He had gone to the Olympus

    Percy had gone to the Olympus to return the lightning to Zeus and he had discovered that Luke (a friend from the Camp) had stolen the lightning
  • He had been starting to go to Camp Half-blood

    He had been starting to go to Camp Half-blood
  • Percy had discovered who is his father

    Percy had discovered who is his father
    In a game of Capture the flag, Percy had discovered that Poseidon is his father
  • He had discovered that he have a brother

    He had discovered that he have a brother
    Percy had discovered that he have a middle brother called Tyson, he is a cyclops
  • He had started a new adventure

    He had started a new adventure
    Percy had started a new adventure to find the Golden Fleece
  • Thalia had transformed

    Thalia had transformed
    For the magic of the Fleece the Thalia's tree had transformed again in a human
  • They had gone to rescue to the brothers Di Angelo

    They had gone to rescue to the brothers Di Angelo
    Thalia, Annabeth and Percy had gone to rescue to the brothers Di Angelo for take them to the Camp
  • He had fighted with Atlas

    Percy had fighted with Atlas for rescue Annabeth
  • He had joined to the Dédalo's Labyrinth

    He had joined to the Dédalo's Labyrinth
  • He had submerged in the Stygian river

    He had submerged in the Stygian river for be invincible and defeat Cronos
  • He had defeated Cronos

    He had executed the prophecy and he had defeated Cronos