
Paul Feyerabend

By vescar
  • Feyerabend's Early Years

    Born in Vienna and joined the military after high school. After the military, he received an education in Europe where he developed his "anarchistic" view of science and met Imre Lakatos.
  • In the United States

    In the United States
    In 1958 Feyerabend moved to the United States and became a US Citizen. He was at Berkeley in the early 1960s during the student movement. (Preston, 2020)
  • Beginnings of Against Methods

    Beginnings of Against Methods
    In the early 70s, Feyerabend would start what would eventually become "Against Method", his most notable work. In it he presents the idea of "epistemological anarchism". The project initially started as a joint project between Lakatos and Feyeraband which was to be named "For and Against Method" but Lakatos passed away unexpectedly. Feyerabend went on to publish his part "Against Method" and dedicating it to his friend. (Preston, 2020)
  • Published Against Method

    In Against Method Feyerabend criticized the popular ideas of knowledge, He claimed there was no such thing as a scientific method and anarchism should replace rationalism. Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge, New Left Books: London and Humanities Press: Atlantic Highlands (NJ), 339 pp. [second edition (revised): Verso: London and New York 1988; third edition (revised): Verso: London and New York 1993].
  • Responding to the Critics

    Feyerabend publishes "Science in a Free Society" as a response to his critics after Against Method. He labeled them "illiterate" and blamed them for not understanding his work. (Preston, 2020) Science in a Free Society, New Left Books: London and New York 1978 [Verso: London 1982], 221 pp.
  • The Tyranny of Science

    The Tyranny of Science
    A series of lectures is released, edited, and published by Eric Oberheim. The Tyranny of Science, Eric Oberheim (ed.), Polity: Cambridge 2011, 180 pp