
Paul Feyerabend

  • Born / Video Link

  • Wounded in Action

    Wounded in Action
    In January 1945, while retreating from the Russian army during World War II, Feyerabend was shot in the spine leaving him temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. This event is significant for Feyerabend as it is said because of the injury he was left "impotent" for the remainder of his life. His impotence may have led to his rebellious philosophical views which led him to be known as one of the most famous philosophers of science.
  • Paul Meets Popper

    Paul Meets Popper
    In August, 1948 Paul Feyerabend attended the international summer seminar of the Austrian College Society in Alpbach and met Karl Popper. Feyerabend got his first taste of Popper's falsificationist view and at the time tended to agree with these views. Feyerabend admired Popper's freedom and ability to put forth his views with out concern of other professional opinion. Popper would be one of Feyerabend's biggest influences in philosophy.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    In 1975 Paul Feyerabend's book "Against Method" was published and was supposed to be a two part series with Imre Lakatos whom would argue Feyerebend's book and the two part series was supposed to be named "For and Against Method". Unfortunately Lakatos abruptly died of a heart attack on February 2nd 1974 before he could complete the second part. "Against Method" would go on to cause an uproar in the science community largely for its anarchist view of the philosophy pf science.
  • Death