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Paul Feyerabend

  • Paul Feyerabend's Birth

    Paul Feyerabend was born in Vienna, Austria on January 13th, 1924. As a child growing up, he developed a love for theater and reading. He was drafted into Arbeitsdienst right after high school where he attended basic training in Pirmasens.
  • Officer School

    Feyerabend signed up for officer school in the German Army in 1943. After becoming an officer, He served on the Eastern Front where he was injured in combat spending most of his life trying to recover from his injuries.
  • Post World War II

    After the war, he was finally able to follow his passion in literature and begin writing plays in Apolda, Germany. He attended school at Weimar Academy and eventually moved back to Vienna. It was there that he started to take physics where he met Felix Ehrenhaft who would help shape his views on the nature of science.
  • Kraft Circle Founder

    Feyerabend became a founding member of the Kraft Circle in 1949. He continued is education when he moved to London to study at London's School of Economics in 1952.
  • University Of Bristol

    He received his first academic appointment in 1955 at the University of Bristol where he began giving lessons on the philosophy of science to his students. He would eventually go on to work at universities such as Yale and Berkley where he really developed his critical view of science.
  • California Love

    Feyerabend began working at Berkley in 1958, where he received his U.S citizenship. He would alternate between other universities such as Auckland in New Zealand and London, but would always return to California as much as he could.
  • Feyerabends First Published Works

    Feyerabend published his first book "Against Methods" in 1975 where he would produce 3 different editions of the writing. Feyerabend, P. (1975). "Against Method: Outline of an Anarchist Theory of Knowledge". Edition 1,2,3. New Left Books.
  • Feyerabend's Death

    Feyerabend passed away in 1994 in Geneva, Switzerland where he suffered from a brain tumor in his last few years.
  • Video On Feyerabend's Against Method

    The link I have attached below goes over Feyerabend's views he brings forth in his book "Against Method" and how they relate to the philosophy of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXgIKGBJq4s