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Early Childhood Education History

By BMM1964
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Mr Locke believed that Children can be raised to think and act as society would like them to. He also believed that experiences in a childs life make them who they are.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    Maria Montessori believed that children can learn at their own pace and natural abilitiesthrough regualr playtime. Author of the Montessori Method.
  • Lev Vygostsky

    Lev Vygostsky
    Mr. Vygostsky introduced ZPD (Zone of proximal developsment. It is the differance of what a child can do with help and then without help.
  • Eric Erickson

    Eric Erickson
    Mr. Ericsonwas first noticed by Anna Frued ( Sigmond Frued's Daughter at Burlington-Rosenfeld School for children.Ms. Frued noticed his love for children and convinced him to study psycoanalysis. He specialized in child analisis. He also studied the Montessori method.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Advocated stiking a balance between teaching children with interest and experiences of the child.He also became famous for his hands-on learning approch. He is the Author of Experience and Education.
  • Pastsy Mink

    Pastsy Mink
    Ms. Mink introduced the first Early Childhood Education Act to Congress. She was also the first women of color and Asian deccent to be elected to congress!
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    Jean Piaget believed that children learn through play. Jean believed that through play it meets the Physical, Intellectual, Language, Emotional and Social needs of kids. (PILES)
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner

    Urie Bronfenbrenner
    Urie belived that delvelopement is influenced in children with their environment. He also believed that Parents and Teachers should work on positive influences and take away the negative influences.