Thomas kuhn

Paradigm Shift

By meumzo
  • Thomas Kuhn Beginning

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn best known for his famous “Paradigm Shift Theory.” He was born on July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Son of a World War 1 veteran and engineer from Harvard and MIT and a mother who graduate from Vassar College. Growing up, Thomas Kuhn attended multiple private progressive schools of which were independent thinking rather than learning facts or subjects. At the age of 7, he didn't know how to read or write, but with the help of his father he overcame that obstacle
  • Thomas at Havard and War Work

    Straight A student, Kuhn landed in Harvard in the fall of 1940. He was debating majoring between Mathematics or Physics, but he picked Physics of which he had some problems keeping good grades, but later applied himself and scored A. During the World War 2 he graduated with BS in Physics with highest honor in 1943. After graduation, he joined the Radio Research Laboratory’s theoretical group. His group involvement in the war was to devise countermeasures against enemy radar.
  • Thomas' Physics and Philosophical Theory

    After the war he returned to Harvard and graduated with a master’s in Physics in 1946 and doctorate in 1949. Thomas began to have deep interests in the history of science and philosophy. However, his physics background was getting in the way to create his develop his concept on Aristotle and Newton theory. Although, in 1948 he did his fellowship to create his own perspectives in history of science and Philosophy.
  • Paradigm Shift Theory Video

  • References

    "Thomas Kuhn." Famous Scientists. 12 Jun. 2017. Web. 12/8/2019