
Pablo Picasso's Life and Influences

  • Pablo Ruiz Picasso is born

    Pablo Ruiz Picasso is born
    Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain.
  • Picasso's first painting

    Picasso's first painting
    At just 9 years old, Pablo created his first painting which was titled 'Le Picador'
  • His passion begins

    At the age of 13 he began to explore his passion for painting with his father. Prior to the age of 13 he showed interests in the shape of numbers, soon enough he became a better painter than his father.
  • His first major work

    His first major work
    Pablo's first major painting was an academic work which was titled 'La Premier Communion' which he completed at the age of 15.
  • Picasso Explores the World

    At the age of 20, he arrived in Paris after exploring other places such as Madrid. He arrived with his painter friend from Barcelona, Carlos Casagemas. In Paris, he felt like he could experiment since he found himself in an exciting place.
  • 'Woman In Blue Hat' & " The Absinthe Drinker"

    'Woman In Blue Hat' & " The Absinthe Drinker"
    He painted 'Woman in Blue Hat' in pastel on cardboard. Within that same year he painted 'The Absinthe Drinker' in oil on cardboard. Materials were expensive which is why he came up with new creative ways to paint with what he had available.
  • The Burial of Casagemas

    The Burial of Casagemas
    He painted ' The Burial of Casagemas ' to represent his devastation over the death of his friend because he felt guilty for leaving him alone during his struggles.
  • Carlos Casagemas dies

    Pablo's friend Carlos Casagemas passes away after he shot himself because he was rejected by the woman he loved. Picasso had to come to terms with the death of his painter friend and displayed his emotions through his art. His death prompted Picasso's remarkable blue period.
  • 'The Tragedy'

    'The Tragedy'
    After experiencing El Greco's style of elongated figures, Picasso created his masterpiece 'The Tragedy'. This artwork ushered in his blue period which spoke of loneliness and isolation.
  • 'The Tumblers'

    'The Tumblers'
    His artwork "The Tumblers' began to show a new side of him. By that time Pablo was emerging and only a touch of melancholy was left.
  • From Blue to The Rose Period

    His art work 'Boy with Pipe" showed the transition from the blue to the rose period which had become apparent since his lighter mood could be seen considerably.
  • Period: to

    Picasso's Cubist Period

    His next step was cubism, it was a break with reality as he had expressed it before.
  • Cubist work

    Cubist work
    In this period he broke the norms, instead of seeing an object from just one viewpoint he showed it from more than one viewpoint.
  • Period: to

    Pablo's Surrealism

    During the 1920s and 1930s, he moved from one style to another. He began to show his decision to paint real life subjects rather than abstract.
  • Surrealism work

    Surrealism work
    He did not reject cubism so the work during this period included both cubism and surrealism.
  • World War II and Late 1940s

    World War II and Late 1940s
    During World War II, Picasso remained in Paris. His artistic style did not fit the Nazi ideal of art so he did not exhibit his world during this time. During these years he began a romantic relationship and had two children.
  • Final Years

    Final Years
    In the 1950s, his style changed once again. He was commissioned to make a maquette and he designed a sculpture which was ambiguous and somewhat controversial.
  • Pablo Picasso's Death

    Pablo Picasso's Death
    Pablo continued to create portraits and continued to change and adapt his style. He moved from one style to another, always exploring more. He continued to work till his very last days. At the age of 91, he passed away a few hours after his last painting.