

By 35339
  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The exposition, setting wise, is during a “bleak January day” in Klondike, Alaska. The weather is about negative sixty degrees. The protagonist, Tom Vincent, is traveling from Calumet Camp on the Yukon to Cherry Creek, where he is meeting his fellow travelers.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Exposition: Characterization
    The exposition, character-wise, is surrounded by the protagonist, Tom Vincent, who is a tranquil, carefree, and happy man who is full of hubris.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The rising action is the point where Tom Vincent had to endure frostbite after he ate his biscuit.
  • Climax

    The climax is when Tom Vincent finds himself in water, but gets out soaking wet and makes it back to land safely.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The falling action is when Tom plans to make a fire to stay warm after he falls in the water. He lights his hands on fire.
  • Resolution

    The resolution is when Tom makes it home safely.