Othello behaviors

  • 1565


    Othello loved his wife, Desdemona, very much. He is extremely gentle with her. He argues with Desdemona's father, Brabantio, so he can get approval to marry her even though Brabantio doesn't want him to (1.3.202-28)
  • 1565


    He is a great general and is put as the leader of Cyprus. He is looked upon and does good for his people.
  • 1565


    Othello starts to get jealous when Iago tells him Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. When Othello finds out that Cassio has his handkerchief it proves Desdemona's infidelity. Othello doesn't know that Iago has placed it in his chamber: "I know not either. I found it in my chamber" (3.4.216)
  • 1565


    After all the evidence Othello has found about Desdemona cheating on him he becomes unstable. He decides he is going to kill Desdemona when asleep:
    Desdemona: "Kill me tomorrow, let me live tonight."
    Othello: "Nay, if you strive-"
    Desdemona: "But half an hour"
    Othello: [Being done, there is no pause.]
    Desdemona: "But wile I say one prayer!"
    Othello: "It is too late. [He smothers her] (5.2.100-05)
  • 1565


    Othello kills Desdemona to find out that her cheating on him was a fluke. Iago staged the whole thing to get revenge for not getting the promotion. Othello can't live with himself and he decides to kill himself: "I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this, killing myself, to die upon a kiss. [He dies] (5.2.420-21)