Origins of the Cold War Timeline

  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    USSR could absorb part of Eastern Poland; Eastern Poland would gain part of Eastern Germany.
    Roosevelt did not object, but said he could not publicly agree so as not to alienate Polish-American votes.
  • Percentages Agreement

    Percentages Agreement
    USSR has 90% influence in Romania; 75% in Bulgaria.
    Roosevelt did not openly oppose it.
    He was not present, but was briefed on it.
  • Period: to

    Origins of the Cold War

  • The Morgenthau Plan

    The Morgenthau Plan
    The US endorsed this plan of deindustrialisation and pastorialisation of Germany.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    USSR requested for US$6 billion loans from US.
    US immediately imposed conditions of opening of Eastern Europe markets to US manufactured products.
  • The Yalta Agreement

    The Yalta Agreement
    US and Britain reject revision of Polish Border
    Inclusion of London Poles in Lublin Committee, democratic elections.
  • Termination of Lend Lease

    Termination of Lend Lease
    The US terminated Lend-Lease in May 1945.
  • Potsdam Conference (Atomic Diplomacy)

    Potsdam Conference (Atomic Diplomacy)
    Truman offered Stalin information about the atomic bomb for reorganisation of Soviet-controlled governments in Bulgaria and Romania
  • American reaction to Soviet actions in 1945

    50,000 US Marines were sent to North China to secure key communications like roads, rail routes and help transport KMT armies to the area.
  • Soviets refuse to join IMF and WB

    Soviets refuse to join IMF and WB
  • The Long Telegramme

    The Long Telegramme
    Kennan's analysis of Soviet foreign policies emphasised the role of communist idealogy - Soviet leadership was suspicious and agreessive.
    No compromise with the USSR.
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
    Contents of Long Telegramme made public.
    Stalin - Called Churchill a warmonger
  • Clifford-Elsey Report

    Clifford-Elsey Report
    Highlighted cases of Soviet aggression such as Iran and Manchuria.
    Identified Soviet ideology and not security concerns as driver of Soviet foreign policies.
  • Baruch Plan

    Baruch Plan
    Frequent inspection of atomic energy installations in UN member states as part of effort to regulate atomic energy.
    US was no longer sincere in cooperating with Soviets, designed a plan unacceptable to Soviets.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    US would support Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling into the evil clutches of the USSR.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Contain Communism through prosperity; Create captive European market for American goods.
  • Treaty of Brussels

    Treaty of Brussels
    Pact signed between France, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, Luxembourg to bind them to help each other if anyone was attacked in Europe.
  • Introduction of Deutschemark

    Introduction of Deutschemark
    Despite Soviet resistance, US and Britain (with tacit French support), introduced the new currency.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Stalin correctly interpreted the introduction of the new currency as a signal of the establishment of a new Germany in the West.
    Blocked all rail routes and roads into Berlin
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    Ended any hope of agreement between the East and West over Germany.