Cold war flags

Origins of the Cold War

  • Period: to

    Origins of the Cold War

  • Morganthau Plan

    Morganthau Plan
    This event highlighted the handling of the German Question by the powers which led to teh division of Germany that market a similar division in Europe.
  • USSR asked for loans

    The impact of american dollar diplomact as well as other indicators of American refusal to aid in Soviet economic reconstruction led to the solivet failue to join the IMF and Wold Bank in Dec 1945. This symbolises the start of economic division in Europe.
  • Yalta Coference

    Yalta Coference
    Rooservelt: The Polish Issue led to him doubting for this first time in April 1945 the possibility of post war cooperation with the soviets. Despite Rooservelt being a perennail opptimist hightlights the great impact of the polish issue in US-Soviet relations. Stalin: Rooservelt's inconsistent diplomacy confused and agered Stalin but may not have changed his mind fundamentally about his western allies as he confided in Molotov his fear that the western powers would join forces with Germany.
  • US terminated land lease

    US terminated land lease
  • Communist uprising in Trieste

  • Potsdam Confernce ( Atomic Dipolomacy)

    This accelerated the start of the arms race that would characterise the cold war. It would also help to further deepen the cracks in the Grand Alliance.
  • Manchuria

    Eventhough the soviets did not show overt aggression , this example still show them as respondsible for the cold war. This is underlined by the US response of sending 50000 marines to help the nationalist government restore control over the North or China. This covert act of expansionism had serve implications on the level of trust the US had with the USSR.
  • Greek Cvil War

    Both in Treiste and Greence did the US see communism anywhere as answering to Moscow. Hence , Trieste and Greece were missunderstood cases of soviet expansionism
  • US iposed the condition of dropping trade barriers on the USSR

  • Kennan's Long Telegramme

    Emphasised the role of the communist ideology.
  • Churchil Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchil Iron Curtain Speech
    Stalin called Churchil a war mounger and accused him of trying to start world war 3. However , there was concete follow up by Stalin.
  • All negoiations over the loan ended

    The failure of the US to aid the Soviets in its economic reconstruction cause the Soviets to boycott the IMF and world back , singaling rconstruction of teh global economy.
  • The Cliford Elsey Report

    The report relects the US perspective on teh USSR which had crystalised by this point in time. It cted as a justification for the US perspective of the Soveits
  • US Occupational Policy in Germany

    A change in the US policy meant that the emphais of the US occupation policy shifted from teh punishment of Germany to the rehabilitation.
  • The Baruch Plan

    The Baruch Plan presented the fact that the US were no longer sincere in cooperating with the Soviets at this point in the time and hence explicitky designed the plan to be unacceptable to the Soviets,
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    It laid the foundaion for teh formation of teh Marshall Plan in June 1947.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marchall Plan cemented the economic schism. The Soviets ensured that the eastern Euroopean countries did not participate in it and instead produce their own verson of the Marshall Plan- Molotov Plan. This effectively divided europe into two economic spheres
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Blockade ended any hope of agreement between east and west German. Germany was split into the states of East and West; its partition was a microcosm of the division in Europe.
  • Formation of NATO

    NATO began teh military split while the formation of teh Warsaw Pct in response to West Germany's entry into NATO in1955 finalised the schism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Stalin did not object and Korean was divided into two occupational zones along the 38th Parallel. This reflected the soviet attitude at that point in time. Firstly , Stalin was willing to cooperate with teh US. Secondly , the USSR was not indscriminately expanding.