Cold war graphics 640

Origins of Cold War

  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    Agreement that USSR can absorb part of eastern Poland while the latter would gain part of eastern Germany. Roosevelt did not publicly object to this, in fear of alienation of the Polish-Americans.
  • Bretton Woods Conference

    This was when USSR initially agreed to join the IMF and World Bank . However, this was rendered ineffective as the US terrorised the USSR through dollar diplomacy.
  • Percentages Agreement ( Moscow Conference )

    Secret agreement between Churchill and Stalin that Britain would have 90% in Greece and USSR to have 90% influence in Romania and 75% Bulgaria. At this point of time, Roosevelt was not present but was briefed on it, yet did not oppose it.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    USSR asked for $6 billion loan from US, uder the conditions of opening E.European market to US manufactured products.
  • Yalta Conference

  • US terminated Lend-Lease with Soviets

  • US successful test of atomic bomb

  • Potsdam Conference ( Atomic Diplomacy )

    Truman offered information of the Soviet atomic bomb to Stalin in return for the reorganisation of Romania and Bulgaria.
  • Further request by USSR ($1b "lost")

    This 'lost' amount convinced the Soviets that US awas unwilling to collaborate in postwar economic reconstruction. This dollar diplomacy by the US caused the USSR to pull out of the IMF and World Bank as they were no longer interested and could not trust that US wanted to have post-war cooperation. (Dec 1945)
  • US bomb on Hiroshima

    As Gar Alperovitz stated in his book, Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam, the use of the atomic bomb could have carried another purpose not only to shorten the war, but as a political weapon against the USSR.
  • US bomb on Nagasaki

  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion of Manchuria

  • Iron Curtain Speech

    This speech hardened the American public's attitude, and triggered Stalin to call Churchill a warmonger , that Churchill was trying to start a war. Stalin however did not follow up on any actions.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine was an aid to help Greece and Turkey escape the communist pressure, and laid the foundation for the Marshall Plan later on.
  • Marshall Plan

    Primary Motive was to contain communism, and secondarily to create a captive European market for American goods. Soviet countered this plan with their own rendition, the Molotov Plan. It was perceived by the Soviets to be an attempt to create an American economic empire in E.Europe
  • Berlin Blockade

    Tacit agreement , US and British agreed to introduce German currency that circulated in all 4 zones. Upon Soviet resistance, the western powers established the Deustche Mark. Stalin intepreted this correctly as a new Germany, forming the blockade to prevent Western influence, and was the closest to coming to an armed clash. It also increased military insecurity
  • Berlin Airlift

    Western Response to the blockade, providing more than 200000 flights to Berlin in 320 days and delivered vital supplies of food and coal to 2.2 million west Berliners.
  • Formation of NATO

    It was in fact a political association during the period of the Korean War , and unlikely to be a trigger for the start of the Cold War as it triggered to direct Soviet response.