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Ocean Pollution

By gli47
  • Clean Water Act

    Was an act made by states, soon becoming a federal law. The act states that The water we drank was not healthy for human health. Therefore saying that all water that the government provides shall be clean.
  • Clean Water Act

    The Clean Water Act was passed due to water ways filled with industrial chemicals dumped into the water ways. The act was created to insure people were not endangered by there own pollutants.
  • EPA permits first dumping permit

    The EPA issued a permit to try and protect the ocean from dumping
  • Safe Drinking Water Act

    This act was created to ensure safe drinking water for the people of the united states of america. Bottled water is not included in the act with the FDA containing control of the bottled water.
  • EPA publishes the ODR

    Dredged material proposed for ocean disposal and tested to promise that the material will not affect human and marine life.
  • EPA pushes out dumping at sea of sewage sludge

    Provides control for the transportation of material that would be dumped.
  • US signs London Protocol

    The U.S.signed a bill not allowing the country to dump into the ocean.
  • New Orleans Gas Leak

    During the year of 2011 the city of New Orleans leaked around 170 gallons of gas into the ocean. The gas polluted the gulf of mexico and killed countless birds and affected marine life
  • GPA renews general permit for the ocean disposal act

    Renewing this permit keeps the ocean safer than it's ever been
  • Save Our Seas Act

    This act allows the NOAA to start cleaning the oceans with new funding. The act also allows the NOAA to spot the source of an act and cut it dead
  • The 5-9 Conference meeting

    This conference was hoped to sustain the goal for cleaning the oceans, slowly. Bring together stake makers in times of need.