New Nation

  • The Declaration of Rights

    The Declaration of Rights
    The state Constitution contained a Declaration of Rights. This enlarged beliefs that William Penn had instilled into the colony many years earlier
  • The Articles of Confederation adopted by state

    The Articles of Confederation adopted by state
    After The Articles of Confederation were written, they were adopted in 1781 to create union among new states that gave most power in government to the states. It was important to the founding fathers, who feared a strong national government such as Great Britain.
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia P.A. to strengthen the federal government. The New Constitution, replaced the Articles of Confederations.
  • The National Constitutional Convention

    The National Constitutional Convention
    Once the colonies had won independence, The Articles of Confederation needed a change. In the spring of 1787 12 state representatives gathered for the Constitutional Convention, this was to change the Articles, but it instead changed the Constitution itself.
  • The state constitutional convention Is held in Philadelphia

    The state constitutional convention Is held in Philadelphia
    After 13 years a new constitutional convention met in Philadelphia, and wrote Pennsylvania’s second constitution. It was patterned after the U.S. Constitution.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    An excise tax was bestowed upon the Pennsylvania’s whiskey. This caused large rebellions until the excise tax was repealed.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    A rebellion broke out for taxation on land, houses, and slaves. This was lead by John Fries, a former militia captain, who freed men who were jailed during the rebellion.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    After The Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary war that was between the U.S. and Great Britain, but after Great Britain would not stop harassing U.S. men overseas, there was an out burst. President James Madison then asked Congress to declare war, leading to The War of 1812, (battles including The Battle of Lake Erie).
  • The battle of Lake Erie

    The battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie was a war that was fought in to places of Pennsylvania. Commander Perry was in charge of navel forces, and a small squadron of ships was built to meet the superior British fleet, when the Americans met the British for battle in Put-in-Bay, Perry’s ship was heavily damaged and had to surrender.
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was a Treaty written by America make peace with Britain. This ended the war of 1812.