Nero Timeline

By IL5917
  • Nero was born.

    Nero was born.
    Agrippina Domitius gave birth to Nero on December 15, 1937
  • Nero got married

    Nero got married
    Nero married the daughter of the emperor Claudius, Octavia.
  • Nero became Roman Emperor

    Nero became Roman Emperor
    At the age of 16 Nero was crowned the Emperor of Rome.
  • Nero killed his mother

    Nero killed his mother
    Nero killed his mother because Agrappina (his mother) killed the Emperor Claudius so she could put Nero on the thrown. She thought he was weak, and thought she would be able to control him. Nero never really wanted to be Emperor. When he started his mother kept telling him how to do things he got annoyed so he killed his mother.
  • Nero died

    Nero died
    Nero killed himself when he found out that the senate was sentenceing him to death. Everyone was happy when Nero died. Well almost everyone.