• eastern european independence

    When Gorbachev introduced glasnost and perestroika in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europeans began to seek greater freedom in their own countries. Many Europeans were opposed to communist rule. Revolts had erupted in Hungry, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere. The demands for change mounted once again
  • NATO

    In 1949 the US, Canada, and ten other cuntries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Oranganization (NATO). In 1955 the Soviet Union responded by forming their military alliance, the Warsaw Pact.
  • West Berlin

    Berlin was a key focus of Cold War tensions, Berin was split into two sections. In the 1950's west Berlin became a showcase for prosperity. The Berlin wall was built in 1961 to stop all the flight. When the wall was finished it was topped with barbed wire and patrolled by guards.
  • Cuba communists

    who: Fidel Castro and President John F. Kennedy
    what: Cuba goes communist and Cuban Missiles Spark A Crisis
    where: Cuba
    when: 1950-1962
    why: Cuba wanted to go communist and the Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba and they responded by imposing a naval blockade.
    how: Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union removes its nuclear missiles from Cuba
  • the Korean Conflict

    who: Kim II Sung and, Syngman Rhee
    what: the Korean conflict
    where: North and South Korea
    when: 1950
    why: both leaders wanted to rule over the entire country
    how: in 1950 North Korean troops attacked and overran most of the south.
  • nuclear weapons

    By 1949 the Soviet Union had created nuclear weapons. By 1953 both sides had developed hydrogen bombs. People argued that these weapons were too destructible and the people lived in fear. In 1969, the U.S. and the Soviet Union began Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) to limit nuclear weapons. In 1972 and 1979 both sides signed agreements setting these limits. In 1980s, Ronald Reagan created a program to build a “Star Wars” missile defense against nuclear attack. People argued that this would
  • Soviet Union Falls

    The Soviet Union emerged from World War II as a superpower with an Eastern European sphere of influence stretching from the Baltic to the Balkans. Stalin continued to fill forced labor camps with “enemies of the state.” Under Stalin’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev, soviets enjoyed greater freedom of speech. Some were freed from prisons and labor camps. Hungarians tried to break free from soviet control in 1956, Khrushchev sent tanks to enforce obedience. The soviet union used things stripped fro
  • the chinese civil war

    who: Mao Zedong
    what: the Chinese Civil War
    where: China
    when: 1958-1960 and 1966
    why: they fought a war against Nationalists headed by Jiang Jieshi
    how: Mao urged young Chinese to experien
  • The Vietnam Conflict

    After 1954 Vietnam became part of the cold war. Western and communist powers agreed to temporary divide Vietnam. Northern Vietnam was led by Ho Chi Minh and belonged to the communist. Southern Vietnam was led by Ngo dinh Diem and belonged to a non-communist government that was supported by the United States.Some South Vietnamese people saw Ho Chi Minh as a national hero and saw the United States as a foreign power. Ngo Dinh Diems saw communist as threat.Ngo Dinh’s dictatorial regime alienated ma
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    In1979 the Soviet Union engaged in a long war with Afghanistan. The Afghan government, who was supported by the Soviets had tried to modernized the nation, but the Soviet’s policies within the Afghan government included social reforms and land redistribution. The land redistribution would reduce the power of the regional landlords. Men called warlords and Muslim conservatives protested that the policies threatened the Islamic tradition. The warlords and people took arms to the government and for