Napoleon bonaparte 1

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon invades Italy

    Napoleon invades Italy
    In 1796 Napoleon was chosen to lead frecn troops into italy. There, the french defeated the Ausrailians,who ruled Italy at that time.
  • Egypt

    2 years later he sailed to Egypt where Britainforces were stationed
    he won a great land victory.but the British fleet destroyed the french fleet.never the less the brtish took over Egypt.
  • The Consulate

    The Consulate
    he then set up a new goverment called the cosulate. he placed itself at the head and took the head of first consul. By this time russia was no longer at war.
  • Austria

    Austria was at war with Great Britain.
  • First Consul

    First Consul
    The took away the peoples right to vote on officals and gave that to the national goverment.he took all tax money from the local goverment and gave it to the national goverment.
  • Peace Treaty with Great Britain

    Peace Treaty with Great Britain
    in 1802 they signed a peace treaty with great
    Britain that later the stopped the war.
  • Britain Declares War on France

    Britain Declares War on France
    Britan fought France in Egypt.
  • Emperor

    pope came from france to crown napolian and napolian ended up crowning himself.
  • crowned himself King of Italy

    crowned himself King of Italy
    he took the crown from the pope and crowned himself.
  • Confederation of the Rhine

    Confederation of the Rhine
    he then made the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Invaded Spain and Portugal

    Invaded Spain and Portugal
    napolian invaded Spain and Portugal in 1808
  • Papel States, Pope in prison

    Papel States, Pope in prison
    the papel states were alive and they imprisoned the pope.
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    the british had a extreamly great navy that was one of the best in the world at the time and they were nearly undefeated.
  • Invaded Russia

    Invaded Russia
    he had 600,000 soldiers largest ary ever. russians retreated only in one battle. burnred every thing they left so the french found notheing following them.
  • Moscow

    abondoned 75% burned down now french haed no food or shelter.
  • French Freeze

    French Freeze
    hundreds of thousands of solderies froze -40 degrees disease and lack of food killed them.
  • Allies Join Together

    Allies Join Together
    austria prussia russia great Britain
  • Allies take Paris

    Allies take Paris
    the allies take paris and remove napolian from the throne.
  • Waterloo

    a war. that removed napolian from the throne.
  • Death

    he died in 1809 of cancer.