Motion Piture

  • Camera Inveted

    Camera Inveted
    Thomas Edison assistant W.K.L Dickson begins devoting to the motion picture project and develop a horizontal-feed motion picture camera.
  • Kinetscope

    Edison made a machine that was a motion picture camera called the kinetograph, and his peephole-viewing device called the kinetoscope.
  • Film Gauge

    Film Gauge
    Edison put use of 11/2- inch film in his vertical feed motion picture camera establishes the basis for today’s standard 35mm commercial film gauge.
  • Film Studio

    Film Studio
    Edison build a film studio on the ground of his laboratories in New Jersey to produce film for his kinetoscope.
  • Parlor created

    Parlor created
    The Holland brothers open the first kinetoscope parlor in New York City on April 14 in one year they have gross receipts of over $16,000. Senator Bradley forbids the projection of one of Edison film the first case of censorship in the moving picture industry.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    On June 6 Francis Jenkins become the first person to project a filmed motion picture onto a screen for an audience.
  • Sales

    From April 1894 through February 1895 Edison kinetoscope and his film sales exceed $1770.
  • Vita Scope

    Vita Scope
    Charles Raff and Frank Gammon buy the Jenkins-Armat phantoscope from Thomas Armat on behalf of Edison they rename the projector “Edison Vita scope”.
  • Formast motion picture company

    Formast motion picture company
    The American Mutoscope company marketing their own films and their new biograph projector become the foremast motion picture company in the U.S.