Monumental African american events

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This event ended racial segregation in public schools.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rally point for organizing the black community.
  • Pearsall plan

    Pearsall plan
    The government paid tuition for any children whos parents didn't want them to attend racially mixed schools.
    ~North Carolina
  • little rock nine

    little rock nine
    Nine african american student involved in the desegragation of little rock central high school. The governor, Orval faubus, in defiance of a federal court order, called out the arkansas national guard from the nine students entering. The president sent in parts of the US army to escort the nine into the school.they stayed for the rest of that school year to make sure nothing like that happened again.
  • Greensboro Sit-in

    Greensboro Sit-in
    greensboro lunch counter changed its polices and welcomed african american customers after four men walked into the restraunt and sat down when they weren't welcomed.
    ~North Carolina
  • freedom riders

    freedom riders
    Whites beat up black. It was on TV and was in newspapers.