Mohammed, the Prophet

  • 570

    Born in Mecca

    Born in the town of Mecca.
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    Mohammed's life, AD

  • 576

    His parents were dead, at the age of 6

  • Jan 1, 621

    After 15 years of deep thinking about religion, Mohammed now 40 recieved 'revelations' from God that he recited to others

  • Jul 25, 622

    He left Mecca in despair to Medina a town in the north after his uncle and wife had died in the same year

  • Jan 1, 630

    Mecca had become the spiritual centre of muslim religion and was invited back to

  • Jan 1, 632

    Mohammed died in Mecca

  • Khadija, a wealthy widow that Mohammed had worked for proposed to him despite being 15 years older