Modern Civil Right Movement

  • Creation of the NAACP

    founded in 1906 the nationals association for the advancement of colored people was one of the earliest and most influential .
  • Scottsboro boys

    the boys were nine black teenagers accused in Alabama of raping two white american women( Ruby Bates & Victoria Price )
  • Jackie R

    Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American in the major league .
  • Brown vs. Board of education

    in december 1952 the us supreme court had on its docket cases from kansas , Delaware the district of Columbia , south Carolina and virginia
  • Ruby Bridges desegregate elementary school

    Ruby Bridges was the first african american child to attend an all white school in the american south .
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    four days before the boycott , rosa parks an african american women refused to yield her seat to a white man ,the boycott of public buses by blacks in Montgomery began on the day of parks court hearing lasted 381 days
  • The Little Rock 9

    public schools in the country be integrated with all deliberate speed in its decision related to the ground breaking case .