Merrill USI - James Neglia

  • South Carolina votes to secede from the Union.

    South Carolina votes to secede from the Union.
    This happens because of Lincoln's election. He got elected to the presidency, and this was seen as an act against the southerners. This was the final straw so they voted to secede from the union.
  • Jefferson Davis elected as president for the Confederacy.

    Jefferson Davis elected as president for the Confederacy.
    He was the only president for the Confederacy in its history. He was formerly a member of the Senate before leaving to be elected as the president of the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg was a 3 day battle between the Union and the Confederacy fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Confederate General Robert E. Lee tried to swiftly invade the North to end the war, but got stopped. The Union won this and there were an estimated 50,000 casualities.
  • Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth because of slavery. John Wilkes Booth believed in the Souths right to separate to create a new country where slavery was evil and saw Lincoln as a tyrant. This all lead to him killing Lincoln because of this.