Expulsion jews


  • Feb 1, 1290

    Edict of Expulsion

    Edict of Expulsion
    In 1290, King Edward I issued an edict expelling all Jews from England.
  • Bassino needs Money

    Bassino needs Money
    Bassanio wants to marry Portia, and so needs money.Shylock lends him 3000 ducats in the name of Antonio. :D
  • Shylock's daughter escapes

    Shylock's daughter escapes
    Shylock's daughter Jessica felt ashamed being his daughter, she secretely escapes from the house and leaves with her boyfriend Lorenzo. Shylock came back finding his daughter gone and his ducats
  • Bassino Gets Portia

    Bassino Gets Portia
    With the help of money Bassino goes to woo Portia. According to Portia's father's will, must marry the man who can guess which of the three boxes her picture is in. Bassanio guesses the right box and they end up getting married
  • Antonio gets into trouble

    Antonio gets into trouble
    Antonio is unexpectedly broke and unable to pay Shylock after the 3 months. As part of the deal Shylock gets to cut a pound of Antonio's flesh.

    Portia disguises as a lawyer to defend Antonio in the court. She convinced the court to order Shylock to give all his possesion to his daughter, and convert to christian.
  • Bassino and the ring

    Bassino and the ring
    Portia ask Bassino to give the wedding ring back, but Bassino lost it although he swore that he will never loose it. When he went home he was in big trouble
  • Shakespear writes merchant of venice

    Shakespear writes merchant of venice
    Shakespear writes the play Merchant of Venice. It is best known for Shylock and the famous "Hath Not a Jew eyes?" speech.