
mercedes moore space mission

  • V2 Rocket

    V2 Rocket
    In 1942 the German V2 was the first rocket to reach 100km from the Earth’s surface (the boundary of space).The rocket was designed by Wernher Von Braun, who later worked with NASA as the creator of the rockets that went to the moon.
  • Period: to

    Space missions

  • First dog in space

    First dog in space
    Russians launch a female dog into space. Laike the dog was launched into the satelight sputnik II.
  • Sputnik satelight

    Sputnik satelight
    Russian Satelight Sputnik was launched into space and exited in the earths atmosphere
  • Monkey lost in Space

    Monkey lost in Space
    A squirell monkey after spaceflight was lost in space. Gordo survived a 300 - mile journey into space
  • Soviets launch rocket at the moon+

    Soviets launch rocket at the moon+
    Russia launched a rocket succesfully to the moon
  • Russian dies in space

    astonout dies in space when rocket crashes
  • voyager space craft reaches neptune

    voyager space craft reaches neptune
    The unmanned voyager 2 spacecraft has sent back the first close up pictures of Neptune and its satelite planets.
  • Oldests astonauht back on earth

    Oldests astonauht back on earth
    American John Glenn, the worlds olderst astonaut arives back on earth after a 9 day mission to space