Medicare for dummies

  • Introduction of Anasethesia and Aspectics

    these new techniques changed the view of the hospitals as a good/ safe place to be.
  • Children's Aid foundation introduced

    provided food and shelter for children in need.
  • Victorian order of nurses

    recognized certain needs for the population.
  • Tommy Douglas is Born

  • rural municipality act

    Saskatchewan allowed municipalities to collect taxes to raise funds for retaining physicians & administering/maintaining hospitals.
  • Tommy Douglas starts Hospital insurance act in Saskatchewan

    guaranteed residents hospital care in exchange for modest insurance premium
  • National health grant porgram

    the government offered $3000000 to make hospitals more modern and train doctors and specialists
  • Medical care iinsurance act

    established by woodrow lloyd
    there were five principals:
    1. Prepayment
    2. Universal Coverage
    3. High Quality of Service
    4. Administered in a Public Body (responsible to the legislature)
    5. Accpetable form to those providing & receiving it
  • Birth of Medicare

    Birth of Medicare
    each province was able to administer plan in its own way as long as the criteria was met
    -reinforced physicians as primary health care providers = Free
    -hospitals & thier expenditures grew - showing need for more community-based services
  • Begining of more advanced technologies

  • the canada health act

    there were five principals of the health act universality, portalbility, accessability, comprehencivness, and public administration
  • Tommy Douglas Dies