
Meat packing

  • Period: to

    The contents of this package has been inspected by the congress

    This shows that the government has inspected the food to make sure that the food is not contaminated with anything because they care about the health of the American people.
  • Roosevelt learns the truth of the meat warehouses

    Roosevelt learns the truth of the meat warehouses
    Teddy Roosevelt learns the truth about meat warehouses by sending in secrecy government spies into the warehouse and they find all the horrible conditions that Uptown Sinclair claims in his book THE JUNGLE
  • Pure Food and Drug act

    Pure Food and Drug act
    The government passed an act that helped that people of America so that they know what there putting in their body is pure and doesn't contain anything that's not supposed to be there
  • Finance aid for all workers

    Finance aid for all workers
    The governement has told all companies to give all there workers financial aid to help them when they are hurt.
  • 8 Hour work day

    8 Hour work day
    The Government has decided to take matters into the own hands and break laissez faire and made the big business give all there workers a proper 8 hour workday