Matter & Energy

  • Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE


    Tried to stablish general principles that ruled the behavior of natural bodies, both living and inanimate, also celestial and terrestrial bodies applying concepts like motion, change of place, change of size or number, etc.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE


    Is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient times. He was one of the first to apply math to physical phenomena, being the father of hydrostatics and discovering the buoyancy principle which bears his name.
  • Period: 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    Is considered as the father of modern Physics. His experiments and studies of the motion of bodies were precursors of classical mechanics, a branch of Physics that we are going to study on this course
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    Isaac Newton

    Stablished motion laws that now they have his last name and also the universal gravitation principles. He also contributed to optics and the development of calculus.
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    John Dalton

    Dalton discovered the so-called law of multiple proportions, which governs the weight of the elements involved in a chemical reaction, and proposed as an interpretation of it a whole theory about the constitution of matter that took up Greek atomism: it is the so-called model Dalton atomic, which, in force throughout the nineteenth century, would enable the impressive advances recorded by chemistry during that period.
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    Max Planck

    He managed to deduce this law from the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, for which he started from two assumptions: on the one hand, Ludwig Boltzmann's theory, according to which the second principle of thermodynamics has a statistical character, and on the other, that the body Black absorbs electromagnetic energy in indivisible elementary quantities, to which it gave the name quanta (quanta).
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    Ernest Rutherford

    For his work in the field of atomic physics, Ernest Rutherford is considered as one of the parents of this discipline. He investigated the detection of electromagnetic radiation and the ionization of air produced by X-rays, studied the radioactive emissions discovered by Henri Becquerel, and managed to classify them into alpha, beta and gamma rays.
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    Albert Einstein

    Developed the theory of relativity, discovered the photoelectric effect and did contributions to the quantum theory.
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    He contributed to the understanding of the atom and quantum mechanics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.
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    Erwin Schrödinger

    Known above all for his mathematical studies of wave mechanics and its applications to atomic structure.
  • Why Them?

    We believe that these made very important contributions to physics and thus be able to develop more things