
Martin Van Buren

  • Ancestry

    English, French, and Irish: Angelica Van Buren’s great-grandfather Matthew Singleton (1730-1787) was an immigrant from the Isle of Wight in England.
  • Mother

    Martin Van Buren's mother Rebecca Travis Coles Singleton was was born on July 2, 1782. Rebecca Coles was related to many prominent political leaders.
  • Birthdate

    Martin Van Buren was born on December 5, 1782.
  • Marrige

    Martin Van Buren got married on March 8, 1783 to his cousin Hannah Hoes .
  • First Born

    First Born
    Martin Van Buren's first son, Abraham Van Burenon was born on November 27,1807 But passon March 15, 1873.
  • New York State Senator

    New York State Senator
    Martin Van Buren became New York's States Senetor on January 1, 1813 but that ended in 1815.
  • Wife Death

    Wife Death
    On Febuary 5, 1819. Hannah hoes, Van Buren's Wife past away.
  • Albany Regency

    Albany Regency
    Martin Van Buren lead a party machine known by his enimies as the "albany Regency."
  • United States Senator

    United States Senator
    Martin Van Buren became the United States Senato on January 3, 1821. but in 1829 that ened.
  • running-mate

    Andrew Jackson selected Van Buren as his running mate for the 1832 election, which the president won quite handily.
  • 8th President

    8th President
    On Febuary 1, 1837. Martain Van Buren became the 8th President of the United States.
  • lost Election

    lost Election
    Martin Van Buren lost his 1840 election but didn't stop after he lost, he ran for different things.
  • Mean Name

    Mean Name
    When Martin Van Buren lost the 1840 election he got the name "Martin Van ruin." Everyone saw him as a weak candidate.
  • Independent Treasury Act

    Independent Treasury Act
    By signing the Independent Treasury Act, Van Buren "divorces" the federal Treasury Department from its relationship with all banks.
  • Death Date

    Death Date
    Martin Van Buren Past away on July 4,1862 because of Bronchial asthma and heart faliure.