Martin Luther Project

  • 1483

    Martin Luther is Born

    He is born in 1483 in Eisleben, Germany
  • 1505

    St. Anne and Luther

    St. Anne and Luther
    Martin Luther was going threw a terrible storm where he swore to St. Anne that if he survived he would become a Monk. (Obviously he survived)
  • 1508

    Martin Luther Goes To Monk School

    Martin Luther Goes To Monk School
    In 1508, He goes to study Theology at Lutherstadt Wittenberg in his process of becoming a monk (found this at
  • 1514

    He Becomes a Priest

    In 1514, Martin Luther becomes a priest at Wittensburgs City Church.
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    Luther lectures against the selling of indulgences. On October 31, he nails the 95 Theses to the entryway of "Lutherstadt Wittenberg's Mansion Church"-Website. translated from Latin into German, this printed announcement spreads like a out of control fire. Martin additionally changes his name from Luder to Luther. (credit to
  • 1518

    The Trial

    Luther is accused of sin in Rome. He testifies himself in Augsburg with views based off of the Bible instead of the Church. He needs to go back, coming back to Lutherstadt Wittenberg under the house of Frederick the Wise.
  • 1521

    No Communication?

    Martin Luther gets excommunicated.
  • 1521

    In Front of the king

    He is brought to appear before the Diet of Worms. His words "neither can nor will recant" challenged authority that would change time forever. On his way back, he is kidnapped to Wartburg Castle. Where he is under protection by a king (Fredrick the Wise)
  • 1521

    After he is under protection...

    He translated the New Testament from Greek to German showing all the people the REAL New Testament.
  • 1546

    Death :(

    Martin Luther dies in Eisleben, Germany.