Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Birth of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia
  • The Atlanta Constitution publishes king's letter to the editor stating that black people are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens.
    He wrote that letter to stand for rights for African american rights. When they published this letter they were helping Martin spread his thoughts on African American rights.
  • Married to Coretta Scott

  • Received doctorate of philosophy in systematic theology from Boston University

    Systematic Theology is the study that aims for religious rights and rights for people. He did the because he wanted equal rights for all people.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. joins the bus boycott after Rosa Parks arrested.

    This shaped Martin Luther King because after Rosa Parks was arrested he it urged him to enter the bus boycott. He wanted things to be fair for all people with flesh of different colors.
  • Elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association.

    This made him the official spokesman for the Boycott. He was elected because he felt the strongest for equal rights and people felt he could really change things for them.
  • Martin Luther King's house is bombed.

    People bombed his house because he was a large reason why buses got desegregated. After this event, he pushed even harder for desegregation.
  • Supreme Court rules that bus segregation is illegal.

    This was a very important event because it was a result of Martin Luther King winning the boycott. This is also important because people began to see more clearly that segregation is wrong
  • King is arrested in Atlanta

    King was arrested while participating in a protest. Because he had a traffic ticket from earlier that year, he was sent to prison but was later released on October 27, 1960.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. gives his "I have a dream speech".

    Martin delivered this speech to a massive group of civil rights marchers gathered around the Lincoln memorial. He spoke to these people giving them hope and saying that "people should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
  • King receives the Nobel Peace Prize.

    He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because of his work in Civil Rights. He was praised for calling peaceful resistance to discrimination.
  • King give the "I've been to the mountaintop speech".

    King gives this speech about the Memphis Sanitation Strike. In this speech he talks about how there is a possibility he may not live to see the end of discrimination of African Americans.
  • Death of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr. died in Memphis, Tennessee. He was assassinated by James Earl Ray while standing on the balcony of a motel.