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martin luther king

  • was born

    was born
    he was born in atlanta he was an American pastor of the Baptist church who developed a crucial role in the U.S
  • their exploits

    Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955
  • their exploits

    their exploits
    support for the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957 (which would be its first president);
  • I have a dream

    I have a dream have a dreamleadership of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, the end of which pronounced his famous speech "I have a dream" ('I have a dream'),
  • Peace Prize

    Peace Prize
    he developed a crucial role in the U.S. at the head of the Movement for civil rights for African Americans and also participated as an activist in numerous protests against the Vietnam War and poverty in general.
    For this activity aimed at ending the American apartheid and racial discrimination through non-violent means, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964
  • Martin Luther king die

    Martin Luther king die years later, at a time when his work was based mainly on opposition to the war and the fight against poverty, was assassinated in Memphis, as he prepared to lead a demonstration
  • King

    King es recordado como uno de los mayores líderes y héroes de la historia de Estados Unidos, y en la moderna historia de la no violencia. Se le concedió a título póstumo la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad por Jimmy Carter en 1977 y la Medalla de oro del congreso de los Estados Unidos en 2004. Desde 1986, el Día de Martin Luther King Jr. es día festivo en los Estados Unidos.
  • organized and carried out various activities

    organized and carried out various activities
    Luther King, civil rights activist from a young, organized and carried out various peaceful activities demanding voting rights, non-discrimination and other basic civil rights for black people in the United States.