Martin Luther

  • May 15, 1483

    Birth of Martin Luther

    1483,Martin Luther was born in Saxony, one of the many German states ruled by princes.
  • Period: May 15, 1483 to May 15, 1546

    The life of Martin Luther

  • May 15, 1501

    Martin Luther's studies

    He studied law from 1501-1505, his father wanted him to become a lawyer.
  • May 15, 1505

    Life change of Luther

    He was caught in a violent thunderstorm. Aflash of lightning knocked him to the ground. In fear he called out, "If you help me now, St Anne, Iwill become a monk!"
  • May 15, 1510

    Lifetime opportunity for Luther

    He went to Rome with great enthusiasm but returned very disappointed with the lifestyle of the pope and clergy in Rome.
  • May 15, 1511

    Martin getting a real understanding

    In 1511 he became a professor at the university of Wittenberg and lectured on the Bible. It was then that his religion made him finally feel sure he would go to heaven.
    Christians would perform good deeds because they had faith in God, not because they hoped to be rewarded for their good deeds.
  • May 15, 1517

    Luther's ideas made public

    Luther did not make his ideas public until 1517 because he knew they were heretical. In that year he wrote the 95 theses and nailed them to the church door at Wittenberg.
    After a few months he gained support from the wealthy middle class of Germany, some princes of the German states, German people and some German priests
  • May 15, 1519

    The great debate

    In 1519 the pope organised a devate between Luther and John Eck,who supported the church. The debate lasted 18 days where Luther finally agreed that he was a heretic but said he will not recant.
  • May 15, 1520

    Pope Leo X threatens to excommunicate Luther

    Pope Leo X issued a bull demanding that Martin recant within 2 months or be excommunicated. After 2 moths Martin burnt the bull, saying, "Since they have burnt my books, I burn theirs."
  • Feb 15, 1521

    spain (holy Roman emperror) offered Luther safe conduct to present his case to him - Early 1521

  • Apr 16, 1521

    On 16 April Luther rode into the city of Worms and answered plainly : "Unless I am proved wrong by scriptures or reasoning - I do not accept the decisions of the pope or councils"

  • May 16, 1521

    Luther is declared a heretic

  • Feb 15, 1522

    Luther stayed hidden in a castle in Wartberg. He translated the bible into German

  • May 15, 1525

    Lutheranism was firmly established

  • May 15, 1529

    Lutherans formally protested and where therefore called "Protestants".

  • May 15, 1530

    Lutheran leaders stated their beliefs in in what became known as the Augsburg Confession. As Luther was excommunicated he sent his firend Philipp Melanchthon with a summary of Luther's ideas.