46566 marc lepine

Marc Lepine

By munib
  • Day of birth

    Day of birth
    Gamil Gharbi was born
  • Nadia was born

    His sister Nadia was born
  • Marc Lepine got hit Hard

    In 1970, Gharbi struck lepine so hard that the marks on his face were visible a week later
  • Lepine's parents separation finalized

    The legal separation was finalized in 1971
  • Lepine's parents divorced

  • Marc Lepine moved to new house

    Marc Lepine and his family moved to a new house
  • Name change to Marc Lepine

    At the age of 14 Gamil Gharbi changed his name to Marc lepine
  • Lépine applied to join the Canadian Forces

    Lépine applied to join the Canadian Forces as an officer cadet in September 1981
  • Nadia placed in a group home

    He was happy when she was placed in a group home
  • The family moved to Saint-Laurent

    In 1982 at the age of 18 marc and his family moved to Saint-Laurent
  • Lepine's marks dropped

    Lepine had an unexplained drop in his marks
  • Marc stoped attending class

  • Marc applied to study engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal.

    Marc applied to study engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal.
  • Lépine was fired from his job at the hospital

    Lépine was fired from his job at the hospital for aggressive behaviour
  • Marc began a course in computer programming

    Lepine began a course in computer programming at a private college in downtown Montreal
  • Lépine purchased a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle

    Lépine purchased a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle at a local sporting goods store
  • Lepine walked into École Polytechnique de Montréal and went on a ten minute shooting rampage

    During his ten-minute rampage, Lepine killed 14 women and injured 13 other people before killing himself