Malcolm x nywts 2a

malcom x timeline

  • malcoms birth

    malcoms birth
    malcom little is born in nebraska
  • malcoms dad dies

    malcoms dad dies
    malcom littles dad dies in a car accident.
  • malcoms mom goes to a mental hospital

    malcoms mom goes to a mental hospital
    malcoms mother goes to a mental hospital, making malcom go to various foster homes because he doesnt have gaurdians to keep him home.
  • malcom gets jobs

    malcom gets jobs
    malcom gets jobs such as dishwashing, and shoe shining
  • malcom starts his criminal life

    malcom starts his criminal life
    he moves to harlem, NY and is a waiter for a restaurant. this year is also when he starts his criminal life.
  • malcoms criminal life

    malcoms criminal life
    malcom is accused of stealing property, and goes on probation. he also moves to boston again.
  • malcoms prison time

    malcoms prison time
    malcom is taken to prison for 8 to 10 years because of various crimes. he starts reading books to educate himself.
  • malcoms moves jails'.

    malcoms moves jails'.
    he moves to a different jail for a year and 3 months. he changes religions to islam because he was influenced by elijah muhammad (religious leader).
  • malcoms moves jails again.

    malcoms moves jails again.
    malcom moves to a different jail again. there is a good library there, so malcom likes it.
  • malcom is released from prison

    after 6 years, malcom is released from prison.
  • malcom meets elijiah muhammad

    malcom meets elijiah muhammad
    malcom meets elijiah muhammad in chicago.
  • malcom moves with elijiah muhammad

    malcom moves with elijiah muhammad
    malcom moves in with elijiah muhammad at chicago.
  • malcom becomes a minister

    malcom becomes a minister
    malcom becomes a minister in temple#7, and temple #12.
  • malcom falls in love

    malcom falls in love
    malcom falls in love with betty sanders, and marries her. shortly after, they have their first daughter.
  • malcom travels

    malcom travels
    malcom travels to several different locarions to find out more about islamic religion.
  • malcom has another child

    malcom has another child
    malcom has another child in december
  • malcoms house is fire bombed

    malcoms house is fire bombed
    malcoms house is fire bombed right before he died(febuary 21).
  • malcom little's life is complete.

    malcom little's life is complete.
    malcom is shot seven times, and is dead later that day.