Malcolm X Timeline

  • Birth of Malcolm Little

    On this day, Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little in Nebraska, U.S.
  • Their House Got Burned

    The family's home in Lansing, MI is burned to the ground.
  • Father died

    His father, Earl Little, died because of he got hit by a streetcar.
  • Mother went to Asylum

    During this year, his mother was committed to an insane asylum because she was in the grief of her husband death. Malcolm and his siblings went to different foster homes.
  • Got Arrested

    On 1946, Malcolm got arrested because of burglary charges.He was sentenced to 8-10 years of prison.
  • Converts to the Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X converted to the NOI while he was in prison.
  • Was Released From Prison

    When he was released from prison, he changed his name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X and becomes the Assistant Minister of Nation of Islam's DEtroit TEmple.
  • Promoted to Minister of Nation of Islam's New York Temple.

  • Got Married

    Malcolm married Sister Betty X in Lansing, Michigan.
  • Travelling

    During this time, he travelled to the Middle East and Africa.
  • Leaving NOI and Started New Organisation

    Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and started his new organisation, the Muslim Mosque, Inc.
  • Started a New Organisation

    Malcolm started a new organisation called the Organisation of Afro-American Unity (OAAU).
  • Malcolm's home was firebombed

  • His death

    On this day, Malcolm X was assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom, New York.