Major Problems from the Great Society

By 2017042
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This outlawed discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and jobs. This act also increased federal power to prosecute civil rights abuses. This is still around today.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act helped fund money to schools. It directed money to schools for textbooks,library materials, and special education. This is still around today.
  • Wilderness Preservation Act

    Wilderness Preservation Act
    This act set aside over 9 million acres for national forest lands. This was one of America's greatest conservation achievements. This is still around today.
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    This act required states to clean up their rivers. This helped ensure the quality of the surface and ground waters. This is still around today.
  • Truth is Packaging Act

    This act set standards for labeling consumer products. This helped make sure the users knew what was in their food. This is still around today.
  • Air Quality Act

    This act set federal air pollution guidelines and extended federal enforcement power. This helped keep the air pollution down to a minimum. EPA is still around today.