“Major European Theater Battles”

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    This was an evacuation of allied soldiers during WWll.
    Code named operation Dynamo and also know as the Miracle of Dunkirk.
    On the first day only 7,669 allied soldiers were evacuated.
    But by the end of the eighth day, 338,226 of them had been rescued by a hastily assembled fleet of over 800 boats.
    On late May 23, an order was issued by Generaloberst Gerd von Rundstedt (commander of Army Group A.).
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain was a military campaign of WWll.
    This all happened in the United Kingdom.
    The result was British victory.
    The British officially recognize the battle's duration as being from 10 July until 31 October 1940
    It was form July 7- October 31 1940
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Also known as the 900 day siege or Leningrad Blockade
    Was in the city of Leningrad
    The siege actually lasted 872 days
    The siege claimed 650,000 Leningrader lives in 1942 alone
    The combatants were Nazi Germany, Finland and Kingdom of Italy
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The Operation Torch was the first time the British and Americans had worked on an invasion plan together to invade French North Africa.
    In the end they surrendered to the allies
    The location was French Morocco and French Algeria
    Senior US commanders did remain strongly opposed to the landings.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was the successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad
    The result was the largest confrontation of World War II
    The combatants were the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Independent State of Croatia, Kingdom of Italy and Kingdom of Romania.
  • D-Day

    A day when an important operation begun to take effect when the allied forces invaded at Normandy.
    Lasted one day
    The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history and required extensive planning.
    The turning point of WWll
    More than 4,000 allied troops died on the day of D- Day
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin is also known as the Fall of Berlin.
    This was the final major offensive of the European theatre of World War II.
    The location was actually Berlin, Germany.
    The result was soviet victory.
    During the war two Soviet Fronts actually attacked Berlin from the East and South.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge was in fact the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during WWll
    The actual phrase Battle of the Bulge was invented by press to describe the bulge in German front lines on wartime news maps
    The phrase Battle of the Bulge actually became the most widely used phrase for the battle.
    The location of the battle was Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany