
  • Mar 19, 1040

    3 witches

    Macbeth and Banquo come across 3 witches. They predict Macbeth will be thane of cawdor and King and Banquos sons will be king
  • Mar 20, 1040


    Lady Macbeth drugs the kings servents
  • Mar 20, 1040


    Macbeth kills the king and Lady Macbeth smears the blood on the servants to blame them
  • Mar 21, 1040


    The macbeths get Macduff to discover the kings body and acts just as surprised as him
  • Mar 21, 1040


    When the kings two sons see their father is dead they decide to flee
  • Mar 22, 1040


    The ghost of Banquo starts haunting Macbeth
  • Mar 22, 1040


    Macbeth wants more than to be just king so he send for Banquo and his sons to be killed. Banquo gets killed but his son gets away
  • Mar 23, 1040


    Macbeth is upset so he goes to the witches for reassurance. They tell him 3 predictions, to watch out for Macduff and marching forest and that he cant be killed my any man born from woman
  • Mar 24, 1040


    Macbeth send people to kill Macduff but he isn't home so his kids and wife is killed
  • Mar 25, 1040

    Lady Macbeth

    She begins sleepwalking because her guilt has been driving her mad. so she dies from it.
  • Mar 26, 1040


    Macbeth hears theres a forest walking his way, made of sodiers carrying branches, so he goes to the battlefield to fight.
  • Mar 26, 1040

    Macbeth dies

    Macduff is there with the forest to fight Macbeth. It turns out he was ripped from his mothers womb so its not directly from his mother so he is able to kill Macbeth and he does.