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Lydia Ivelisse

  • First year

    I started talking my maternal language Spanish
  • First Grade

    I started studying in Pablo Casasus School where I took my formal English and Spanish classes.
  • Elemantary School

    In the lasts three years in elementary school my favorite teacher was Mrs. Pluguez. She was my inspiration to learn English.
  • Charles T. Irrizarry

    My English Teaher couldn't pronounce in English "vegetable".
  • High School

    For my three years in high school my English Teacher was Mrs. Bermudez, but she didn't inspire me to practice the English language.
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico

    I received the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, and a Minor in Special Education
  • English Teacher

    I taught English class to fifth and sixth grade.
  • Elementary School Teacher

    1991- 1994 I taught English classes in first and third grade
  • Florida, USA

    I lived in Florida for three years.
  • Special Education Teacher

    Taught students with linguistic problems, I also participated as being a promoter to start a bilingual program in Manuel Morales Feliciano School
  • Elementary Teacher

    Since 2004 until May 2012 I taught Math and Science classes in English in First Grade at Specalized Regional Bilingual Elementary Antonio Gonzalez Suarez School. In the present I am teaching at the same school but giving only the Spanish class to fourth,fifth and sixth graders.
  • Bilingual Certification

    I started taking courses to complete a certificate in a Bilingual Certification.