Martin luther king jr (1)

Luther King

By mateach
  • Born

    Parents: The Reverend and Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr.
    Home: 501 Auburn Avenue, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Arrested

    InSelma, Alabama during a voting rights demonstration.
    After President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law, Martin Luther King, Jr. turns to socioeconomic problems.
  • Moves into a Chicago slum tenement.

    Moves into a Chicago slum tenement.
    Purpose:To attract attention to the living conditions of the poor
  • Announces the inception of the Poor People's Campaign.

    Announces the inception of the Poor People's Campaign.
    Focus: Jobs and freedom for the poor of all races.
  • Leads a march.

    Leads a march.
    It turns violent.
  • Shot fatally.

    Shot fatally.
    He was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.