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Ludwig van Beethoven

  • Birth

    Beethoven was born in Bonn (currently germany).
  • His beginning

    His beginning
    His true musical vocation was started when Christian Gottlob Neefe became his teacher https://www.classicfm.com/composers/beethoven/guides/gottlob-neefe-1748-1798-beethovens-first-teacher/
  • Period: to

    First creative period

    He composed plays characterised by following the established model by Mozart and Joseph Haydn.
  • Bonn Court Orchesta

    This year, Ludwig van Beethoven became member of the Bonn Court Orchesta.
  • First travel to Vienna

    First travel to Vienna
    Beethoven travelled for first time to Vienna for receiving Mozarts lessons. A time later, he had to return to Bonn due to the illness and subsequently death of his mother. https://www.biography.com/musician/wolfgang-mozart
  • Second travel to Vienna.

    Second travel to Vienna.
    In this second travel he went to Vienna for working with Haydn and Antonio Salieri. Haydn: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Joseph-Haydn
    Antonio Salieri: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Antonio-Salieri
  • Beethoven became known

    Beethoven became known as compositor and pianist thanks to a concert that took place this year.
  • Interruption of his career.

    Interruption of his career.
    Deafness started affecting him and his career was interrupted.
  • 1st symphony

    https://youtu.be/EVKdd-gI_aQ It is not known exactly when Beethoven finished composing the work, but the sketches of the last movement were dated 1795. It premiered on April 2, 1800 at the Burgtheater in Vienna. It was dedicated to Van Swieten.
  • Period: to

    Maturity period

    He composed fully original plays in which Beethoven shows absolute mastery of form and Expression.
  • 2nd symphony

    https://youtu.be/bEiYmeeV6sI It lasts about thirty-six minutes. It is dedicated to Prince Lichnowsky. The play opened at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna on April 5, 1803, and was directed by him.
  • 3rd symphony

    Known as “Eroica” and considered by many as the dawn of musical romanticism, since it breaks several schemes of the traditional classical symphony. It was initially dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Fidelio opera.

  • Violin concerto

  • Deafness

    deafness completely deprived him of hearing. He was completely deaf until his death.
  • Period: to

    3rd creative period

    Period dominated by his most innovative and personal plays, misunderstood in his time because of his armónica language novelty and and his unconventional form.
  • 9th symphony

    https://youtu.be/t3217H8JppI (Release date) It is one of the most momentous, important and popular works of music and art.
  • Missa Solemnis.

  • Loneliness

    Until this year Beethoven’s life was characterised by the loneliness, but his still continued composing and was when he composed some of his most known works.
  • Death

    Beethoven was died in Vienna (56 years old). His funeral took place three days later and the procession was attended by a large crowd.