Louis XIV

  • 5/9/1638

    Louis VXI born in September 5, 1638, Castle of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
  • 7/2/1652

    He made his debut as a dancer, at the age of 14, in Le Ballet Royal de la Nuit, a show where he embodied the god Apollo
  • 7/7/1654

    He became the King of France and Navarre
  • 13/4/1655

    He said a famous phrase that is "L'État, c'est moi" that signifies "The state is me."
  • 9/6/1660

    Louis XIV get married with Maria Teresa of Austria.
  • 23/2/1661

    The start of the absolute monarchy The date is not good because I don't found it but the year is good
  • 6/4/1672

    He participate in the Franco-Dutch
    war, we know the year but not the day and month
  • 22/10/1685

    he obtained the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
  • 27/9/1688

    He participated in the war of the 9 years that finished the 20 of september of 1697
  • 1/9/1715

    This is the date in which Louis XIV die, he die en Versalles, France