Louis riel

Louis Riel

  • Born

    Louis David Riel French was born in 22 October 1844 – 16 November 1885. He was a Canadian politician, a founder of the province of Manitoba, and a political and spiritual leader of the Métis people of the Canadian prairies.
  • Louis Riel School and collage

    Louis Riel School and collage
    Louis Riel goes to school in Montreal to become the priest
  • New Governar came in Red River Resistance

    New Governar came in Red River Resistance
    In 1869 September Canada sent an English speaking Governer name called William McDougall. He is an politician.
  • Surveyor are stopped

    Surveyor are stopped
    In 1869 september surveyors are stoped by the metis peolpe because if they came they divide the land in peice and metis do not like that.
  • Metis Committle

    Metis Committle
    Metis form metis Nation Committle
  • Louis Riel died

    Louis Riel died
    Louis Riel was die on 16 November 1885 at aged of 41in Regina, Northwest Territories,Canada.