Lifetime Personal Health

  • Eating Healthy

    Eat plenty of fruits/vegetables, whole grains, non-fat dairy products and lean meats. Important nutrients to consume are Calcium, Protein, Potassium, Omega-3, and Folic Acid. In addition to eating healthy, stay healthy by limiting fast food intake, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and following the laws.
  • Twenties

    People in this age group should take care of their physical and emotional health as they start their newly independent lives.
  • Preventive Health Care

    Preventive Health Care
    Protect your skin and eyes to avoid cancer or other diseases later on in life. Maintain proper hygiene by showering, brushing teeth, and washing hands. Get medical check ups relevant to your age such as dental, gynecological, dermatology, and eye exams.
  • Physical Activity

    Do different types of exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes almost daily. Watch your weight by chewing food slowly and limiting fast and processed foods to maintain a healthy weight. In addition to getting the correct amount of physical activity, get the right amount of sleep in order to maintain a healthy, energized life.
  • Physical Activity

    Exercise almost everyday for 30-60 minutes, doing activities such as running, biking, swimming, or weightlifting to stay healthy and avoid risk of heart disease, bone loss, and some cancers. Losing weight is harder to do during this decade, and being obese puts you at risk of diabetes and cancer; so maintain a healthy weight. Strive to get around 6-8 hours of sleep a night in order to feel refreshed and energized.
  • Preventive Health Care

    Maintain proper hygiene while staying away from drugs such as tobacco or smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and following the laws such as wearing a seatbelt while driving. Take care of your eyes and skin by wearing sunscreen but reduce stress by enjoying yourself and spending time with others.
  • Thirties

    People in this age group are often deep into their career and must make sure to balance their work with taking care of themselves.
  • Eating Healthy

    Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits/vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, and non-fat dairy products. Also consume important nutrients such as Iron, Folic Acid, Calcium, Potassium, B and D Vitamins, Fiber, and Omega-3. While maintaining a healthy diet, avoid fast foods and monitor salt intake in your diet.
  • Fourties

    People in this age group have made the transition from their young adult life into their middle-aged life. People in this age group should start watching over their health and taking care of them self in order to create a good foundation for themselves as they get older.
  • Physical Activity

    Continue to exercise in this decade of your life. Weight-bearing exercise such as running, hiking, bicycling, and strength training are all good forms of exercise for people in this age group. Consistently exercising creates a stronger, healthier body during this period of your life.
  • Preventive Health Care

    Address common health concerns such as chronic pain (arthritis, back pain, etc.), extreme stress, concerns related to blood, anxiety, and other medical abnormalities. Have physical, dental, and various screenings depending on your family health and your history.
  • Eating Healthy

    Eating Healthy
    Eat a balanced diet in this decade to reduce your risk of chronic illnesses. Pay attention to signs of diseases such as Diabetes and Osteoporosis. Do not smoke or use other illegal drugs and be mindful of alcohol intake in this decade in order to maintain a healthy life. Watch your Body Mass Index and weight distribution; maintain healthy weight by eating right and discussing with your healthcare provider.
  • Fifties

    People in this age group have generally accepted the fact that they are getting older and that their health is changing. In this decade, it is important to maintain healthy habits to help reduce as many illnesses as possible.
  • Physical Activity

    Exercise on most days during the week for around 30-60 minutes. Weight bearing and aerobic exercise are important for building strength and a healthy heart. Exercises include walking, jogging, biking, dancing, or weightlifting and should be discussed with a health care provider before doing. Getting enough sleep despite changing sleeping patterns is important as it helps create an energized and healthy mind.
  • Preventive Health Care

    Health concerns such as abnormalities in blood, anxiety, digestive issues, and symptoms other diseases should be addressed with your healthcare provider. Stay away from any drugs in this decade especially and limit alcohol intake to reduce the likelihood of developing a chronic disease.
  • Eating Healthy

    Eating plenty of fruits/vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats are important in maintaining health. Consuming lots of fiber and supplements if needed is also recommended. Watching salt intake during this period also prevents related diseases later on in life.
  • Eating Healthy

    It is important to eat healthy as you get older. Eat 4-5 servings of fruits/vegetables a day as well as whole grains, non-fat dairy products, and lean meats and fish. Consume nutrients such as Omega-3, fiber, and protein. Maintain a healthy weight by being mindful of portion sizes is important as you age.
  • Sixties

    In this chapter of people's lives, they are aging and watching the world change around them. It is very important during this decade to maintain a healthy physical, mental, and emotional state.
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Exercises such as walking, swimming, bowling, dancing, and light strength training are good options but should be discussed with a health care provider first.
  • Preventive Health Care

    During this decade, it is important to watch out for any health abnormalities especially relating to the heart. Go to regular physical check ups as well as blood pressure, eye, and dental exams as well as additional exams based on genetic history. Getting enough sleep is important as well as staying away from drugs, smoking, and alcohol.