Lifetime Personal Health

  • Period: to 29

    Healthy Living in Your 20s

    A timeline of health tips, routine health care, and special topics of concerns for your twenties. In addition, including what your focus will be for healthy eating, physical activity, and preventive health care.
  • Health Tips for Your 20s

    Health Tips for Your 20s
    In your twenties, exercise regularly, keep a healthy weight, consume a healthy diet, do no smoke, stay away from illegal substances, only drink alcohol in moderation, never ever drink and drive, drive a vehicle responsibly, and get enough sleep.
  • Routine Health Care for Your 20s

    Routine Health Care for Your 20s
    Get a medical check-up every two years, including blood pressure screenings. As a male, have clinical testicular exam by your health care provider and also perform self-exams. For women, have a gynecological exam, clinical breast exam and Pap test every 2 or 3 years. If at an increased risk for high cholesterol, get a cholesterol screening. Have dental exams every 6 to 12 months, see a dermatologists if recommended, calculate your BMI, get regular eye exams, and have recommended immunizations.
  • Preventing Health Problems in the Future when in Your 20s

    Preventing Health Problems in the Future when in Your 20s
    The Twenties may be awesome and seemingly impeccable, but taking care of yourself in the future now can have a huge payoff. Protect your eyes and skin, avoid indoor tanning, maintain excellent hygiene, have a primary care provider for routine health care, and talk about your family health history with your health care providers.
  • Special Concerns for Your 20s

    Special Concerns for Your 20s
    Take special care in your sexual health as well as mental health during Your twenties. A helpful piece of advice for when in Your twenties is to construct strong, sincere friendships and relationships with people who share similar core values.
  • My Focuses in My 20s

    My Focuses in My 20s
    In my twenties, I will focus on my diet as well as physical health, including sleep.
  • Period: to

    Healthy Living in Your 30s

    A timeline of health tips, routine health care, and special topics of concerns for your thirties. In addition, including what your focus will be for healthy eating, physical activity, and preventive health care.
  • My Focus in My 30s

    My Focus in My 30s
    In my thirties, I should be much more financially stable than in my twenties, so the concern about eating healthy won't be such a worry. However, fitness will always be important, so I will continue to focus on my physical activity.
  • Staying healthy in Your 30s

    Staying healthy in Your 30s
    Even if you're "thirty something," being healthy and keeping in touch with the younger you is completely possible. A few good practices can get you there. Be sure to eat a healthy diet composed of numerous beneficial consumables like whole grains, fruits, and other things rich in the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need. Also, exercise regularly (30-60 minutes on most days of the week) and stay true to great sleep hygiene.
  • Preventing Health Problems in Your 30s

    Preventing Health Problems in Your 30s
    Don't smoke or use any other tobacco products, but if you are smoking, it's suggested to quit. Wear sunscreen. Drink alcohol only in moderation (no more than 2 for guys and one for women), avoid drugs and illegal substances, use prescription and over-the-counter drugs only as directed, reduce your stress, monitor your BMI and cholesterol levels, and adhere to your health care provider's recommendations for diagnostic tests and screening procedures.
  • Special Health Concerns in Your 30s

    Special Health Concerns in Your 30s
    Take care of your sexual or reproductive health, take care of your mental and emotional health, tend to your skin care and its changing needs, take care of your back, build muscle to to help keep off the fat, and always talk with your health care provider about any concerns.
  • Routine Health Care Recommendations for Your 30s

    Routine Health Care Recommendations for Your 30s
    Women should have a gynecological exam, clinic breast exam and Pap test as recommended by their health care provider before becoming pregnant. Men should have a clinical testicular exam as recommended. Dental exams and cleanings should be done every 6 to 12 months, and eye exam and vision screenings every 1 to 2 years. The rest are to be done regularly as recommended, such as hearing tests, cholesterol screenings, and skin cancer screenings. Be sure to get recommended immunizations as well.
  • Period: to

    Healthy Living in Your 40s

    A timeline of health tips, routine health care, and special topics of concerns for your forties. In addition, including what your focus will be for healthy eating, physical activity, and preventive health care.
  • Special Health Concerns in Your 40s

    Special Health Concerns in Your 40s
    In your 40s, chances for chronic pain can increase, stresses in life can still be overwhelming in times, so exercise, eating right, and staying happy with friends or other other hobbies. Keep an eye on blood pressure, BMI, blood glucose, cholesterol, osteoporosis, triglycerides, and homocysteine levels. In addition, it's still important to take care of any anxiety or depression. Lastly, skin problems and changes in vision and hearing may occur.
  • Health Care Tips for Your 40s

    Health Care Tips for Your 40s
    In your 40s, the doctor-patient relationship may change for the better as health care becomes more routine than ever before. Physical exams come around every 2 to 3 years, dental exam and cleanings arrive every 6 to 12 months, comprehensive eye exams are done every two years, blood pressure screenings conducted every two years, cholesterol screenings every 5 years, baseline skin exams every 3 months to eve 3-4 years, additional screenings and checkups according to varying, but common, factors.
  • My Focuses in My 40s

    My Focuses in My 40s
    In my forties, I will continue to keep up with my physical fitness, but also be sure to pay special attention to my body for any potential illnesses or new details.
  • Period: to

    Healthy Living in Your 50s

    A timeline of health tips, routine health care, and special topics of concerns for your fifties. In addition, including what your focus will be for healthy eating, physical activity, and preventive health care.
  • A Healthy Life Style in Your 50s.

    A Healthy Life Style in Your 50s.
    Your fifties typically are the years your body really shows that aging is real and that it will affect your health. Some things to do in this time to promote optimal health can be eating healthy and meeting your daily requirements, staying physically as well as mentally active, challenging your mind to improve brain function, and maintaining a healthy weight as metabolism lowers. In addition, don't smoke or use other tobacco products, and if already, quit. These aren't the only things though.
  • Special Health Concerns in Your 50s

    Special Health Concerns in Your 50s
    Plenty of health conditions are quite common after the age fifty. These include anxiety, abnormal blood sugar levels, cancer, depression, changes in vision, chronic pain, digestive issues, hearing loss, erectile dysfunction, hair loss in both sexes, heart diseases, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, menopause, urinary incontinence, thyroid problems, prostate issues, osteoporosis, prostate issues, overactive bladder, and thyroid problems.
  • My Focuses for My 50s

    My Focuses for My 50s
    In my fifties, I will be critically monitoring my health and addressing any medical concerns, but at the same time continuing to safely exercise as well as eat healthy to help myself (mentally) and my body.
  • Health Care Tips for Your 50s

    Health Care Tips for Your 50s
    In your 50s, physical exams should be done at least every two years with height, weight and BMI calculation, blood tests, urinalysis, and mental health screenings. Also, dental exams and cleanings every 6 to 12 months, comprehensive eye exams every 2 years, blood pressure screenings annually, cholesterol screenings every 5 years, skin exams annually, a colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 50. Diabetes screening as recommended, a baseline EKG, immunizations, and more screening tests.
  • Period: to

    Healthy Living in Your 60s

    A timeline of health tips, routine health care, and special topics of concerns for your sixties. In addition, including what your focus will be for healthy eating, physical activity, and preventive health care.
  • Special Health Concerns In Your 60s

    Special Health Concerns In Your 60s
    Upon entering into your sixth decade of living, it would be imperative to address the more unique health agenda. To elaborate, be sure to see your health care provider about any worries relating to your mental health or cognitive function.
  • Staying Healthy in Your 60s

    Staying Healthy in Your 60s
    The Golden Years prompt many new frontiers to be explored in terms of your health. Such can be having to learn about the warning signs of serious medical conditions like strokes and heart attacks. In addition to that, consuming a healthy amount of fruit, vegetables, and other foods from the alternative food groups is important. Lastly, regularly visiting your appropriate health care provider is critical for staying ahead of any onsets for health issues.
  • My Focuses in My 60s

    My Focuses in My 60s
    In my sixties, I intend on continue my habits as discussed in my fifties.