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Lifetime Personal Health

  • Helth in your 20's

    Helth in your 20's
    -Helathy diet. -30 minutes of exercise a day. -Be safe and make good choices when driving. -Avoid illegal drugs. -Get enough sleep. -Wear sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun. -Maintain good hygiene. -Have medical checkups every 2 years. -Have dental exams every 6 months. -Get the recommended shots. -Take measures to prevent accidental injuries such as food poisoning
  • Health in your 30's

    Health in your 30's
    -Maintain a healthy weight. -Do 30-60 minutes of exercise a day. -Don't smoke. -Wear sunscreen when in the sun to prevent skin cancer. -Avoid illegal drugs. -Reduce stress. -Wear a seatbelt when in a car. -Wear a helmet when on a bike or motorcycle. -Don't over work yourself. -Keep good posture. -Medical checkup every 1-2 years. -Dental, hearing, and seeing exams.
  • Health in your 40's

    Health in your 40's
    -Avoid chronic pain. -Find something to help manage stress. -Get a physical exam every 2-3 years. -Cholesterol screening every 5 years. -Diabetes screening. -Get shots that are required. -Baseline skin exams every 3-4 years. -Notice any change in vision or hearing.
  • Health in your 50's

    Health in your 50's
    -Stay active with 30-60 mintues of activity a day. -Cut back on sodium in your diet. -Maintain a healthy weight. -Don't smoke. -Reduce stress. -Drink alcohol in moderation. -Look out for things such as anxiety, cancer, digestive issues, hair loss and others. -Physical exmams every 2 years. -Dental exams every 6 months. -SKin exams. -Shots reccomended
  • Health in your 60's

    Health in your 60's
    -Protect your heart. -Quit smoking. -Maintain a healthy weight. -Exercise 30 minutes most days of the week. -Drink alcohol in moderation. -Eat the right amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. -Annual flu shots. -Bone density tests. -Shingles vaccine. -Yearly skin exam. -Take steps to reduce risks of falls