Lifetime Personal Health


    I focused on foods one can eat to prevent certain diseases, and help keep the body healthy. I want to add that I will get a checkup bianually, and attend any appointments that are recommended to me, as well as getting a doctor's help when I need it. The preventive healthcare and the healthy eating are intertwined in this timeline.
  • Period: to


  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating
    College will provoke some amount of eating out, so I'll pick healthy convenience foods (rotisserie chicken, salads). I'll eat lower calorie foods to snack on, like carrots and hummus.
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    I'll do at least 1 hour of cardio six times a week, with one day of rest, and lift weights at least 3 times a week. Since I'm young, I can work my body hard to keep it really healthy.
  • Preventive Healthcare

    Preventive Healthcare
    Protein: eat 60 to 70 grams a day to help keep me full and build calorie burning muscle
    (skinless white-meat poultry, fish, eggs...)
    Potassium: Help my muscles and heart to function properly by eating the enough every day.
    (2 cups of fruit, 2 1/2 cups of veggies)
    Omega 3: Women are more prone to depression in their 20s, and this boosts serotonin levels to combat that.
    (salmon and tuna...)
  • Period: to


  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating
    I'll maintain a healthy diet like the one previously mentioned, to fight off diabetes and hypertension, since this will be a stressful time in my life (beginning to practice medecine, maybe kids...). Dropping ten percent of my weight can stave off these diseases!
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    My metabolism will have slowed down, so weight won't be lost as easily as it used to. I'll do one hour of circuit training (cardio and resistance) 4 times a week, plus at least one day of cardio for 60 minutes at a high intensity. I will take one day off.
  • Preventive Healthcare

    Preventive Healthcare
    Folate: It'll help reduce the risk of heart disease, and help support a healthy pregnancy.
    (chickpeas, asparagus, broccoli, avocados, fortified whole grains)
    Phytonutrients: These compounds contain antioxidants, which slow the aging process, ward off heart disease, and potentially ward off cancer.
    (red wine, dark chocolate, coffee)
    Iron: A deficiency can affect cognitive function, and leave you physically drained.
    (clams, lean beef, soybeans...)
  • Period: to


  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating
    Cut my calorie intake by 100 calories each day, because for every decade after 40, there's roughly a 1% decrease in calorie requirments, and I don't want to gain weight (diabetes, heart disease).
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    Do cardio five times a week, and resistance training the other two to ward off that belly bulge caused by estrogen withdrawal and an ever slowing metabolism. Keepin' a healthy weight!
  • Preventive Healthcare

    Preventive Healthcare
    Calcium: Bone-building estrogen starts to decline and calcium becomes more important. So I need to consume more!
    (low-fat dairy and/or supplements)
    Vitamin D: Helps the body absorb calcium, keeps the immune system strong, can prevent some cancers.
    (daily supplements are my best bet)
    Fiber: Helps decrease cholesterol levels in the body.
    (fruits, veggies, oats, barley...)
  • Period: to


  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating
    Continue decreasing my calorie intake by about 100 calories, so as to not gain weight, which could become unhealthy, and I don't want to invite heart disease or diabetes into my life.
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    I'll do 4 to 6 cardio sessions a week, 20 to 40 minutes each, with an intensity that lets you answer a simple question but not chat, plus half an hour of weight training twice a week, 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise, or 15 to 20 using lighter weights. Always stretch afterward. Need to keep up physical activity because of my slowing metabolism.
  • Preventive Healthcare

    Preventive Healthcare
    Antioxidants: These can help prevent cancer, which is something I am aiming NOT to develop.
    (dark green, dark yellow, or orange fruits and veggies)
    Phytoestrogens: These help ease the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness), so that I can be more comfortable as I age.
    (cashews, corn, apples, soy)
    Calcium: Got to keep getting calcium to prevent the weakening of my bones.
    (dairy products)
  • Period: to


  • Healthy Eating

    Healthy Eating
    Again, lower my calorie intake by 100 calories, especially because my metabolism will be at an all time low. Still snacking on healthy things like carrots and celery, and granola, for a little energy boost. This is to watch out for diabetes and heart disease.
  • Physical Activity

    Physical Activity
    I'll do 3 days a week of challenging but not exhausting cardio, such as a slow jog, plus 3 days of weight training, using lighter weights and slower, more controlled movements combined with slow, sustained stretching. Walk whenever possible, and do daily balance exercises. Athritis, bad knees, and spinal stenosis can be curbed with regular exercise.
  • Preventive Healthcare

    Preventive Healthcare
    Vitamin E: It has been proven to lessen cognitive decline as one ages.
    (nuts, dark chocolate)
    CALCIUM: Prevents bone loss! (also, Vitamin D)
    (dairy products)
    Omega 3 fatty acids: Essential to brain development and function, and may lower the risk of stroke and dementia, slow down mental decline, and enhance memory. Seriously, we should all eat this on a regular basis.
    (fish, fish oil supplements)